This week we were privileged to hear the testimony of a man whose life was eternally changed by a simple question. We invited Martin to sit around a table on our back porch to share with us how the Lord saved him, and how God opened his eyes to the truth of the Gospel. This is Martin’s story.
Our vision is to see God using SIM West Malaysia to proclaim Christ’s love in word and deed to address the need of many to be reconciled with God.
Le travail médical a très tôt accompagné les ministères de la SIM. Découvrez-en plus…
Montrer le chemin de la Source d’eau vive en creusant des puits dans les villages du Burkina.
Utiliser les cours d’anglais pour lire la Parole de Dieu
Témoigner de l’amour de Dieu aux personnes les plus marginalisées
Équiper l’église aux services communautaires
Train servant leaders who love the Lord Jesus and who are competent in various ministry skills.
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SIM International Leadership and Services facilitates SIM’s task of extending the kingdom of God by giving leadership and support, defining policy and best practices, and providing administrative services.
This ministry aims to empower a movement of Pacific people, rising up and going into the nations, proclaiming the Gospel and demonstrating God's love and power.
To facilitate more churches in Australia to fulfill Christ’s global mission and cross-cultural mission locally.
This ministry seeks to reach out to the 2.5 million university students enrolled in 170 universities in Thailand.
We need multiple solutions for schooling. These include home schooling, home school cooperatives, boarding, supporting MK schools, scholarships for those from new sending contexts, and more.
This ministry compassionately cares to those suffering with AIDS in Thailand.
Looking for church planters with long-term perspectives.
To send Filipino missionaries locally and to our other SIM countries through tent-making and traditional means. We desire to send workers to communities where Christ is least known.
This ministry is to equip Mongolian leaders with leadership skills, godly character, and capacity for impacting the society.
To empower and mobilise Korean and East Asian missionaries and churches in reaching out through various ministries to communities who don’t know Christ in SIM’s strategic areas.
Playing in an orchestra can open opportunities for heartfelt discussions about Jesus. Find out about Jill's "piano bench ministry."
Living out our faith with sincerity is often a powerful avenue for the Holy Spirit to minister to others.
Julie* is part of a small team hoping to bring the word of God and maybe, one day, the first church among a Central Asian minority.
I am usually not a dreamer, but I had a dream where I decided to cut my hair. In my dream, as I turned my head sideways my face turned into one of the local people.
Believers in the Philippines are carefully reaching out as the hands of Christ to those who are affected by the coronavirus.
It’s midday on a Tuesday. The day care for young children that Jo and two others run in a neighbourhood of Manila is coming to a close. Time for a break!
The time intensive plants take tending and patience, finally yielding a crop many years after planting. So it goes with ministry to minority religious groups in the Philippines.
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