New missions Centre carries SIM Philippines into new era

By Jay | Philippines in East Asia

Since the beginning, SIM Philippines' ministry has been about 'growing coconuts.' The time intensive plants take tending and patience, finally yielding a crop many years after planting. So it goes with ministry to minority religious groups in the Philippines. It's slow work, requiring patience and endurance. It requires full reliance on God.

So when SIM Philippines began planning for a new missions center in Manila, their goal was a long-term one. Facing steep rent and inadequate space for their ministries to expand, they were initially looking for a smaller home to purchase and convert to a ministry space. But God had other plans.

"We envisioned that it would take several years to find the funds to purchase a property and complete this goal," said Jay, a SIM Philippines worker. "We are thankful that God provided an opportunity for us to purchase a property which we only imagined could happen 10 or more years from now."

The Metro Manila property is well situated to carry SIM's ministries well into the future. Formerly the home of a missionary couple with another organization, it has been used as a ministry platform for years. The property was sold at a discount to SIM for the express purpose of continuing ministry to the people of the Philippines. Extra space on site will be rented out to a fellow partner organization, meeting a goal of income generation and blessing other like-minded ministries.

SIM Philippines dedicated the property to God in a March 7 ceremony on site, and honored the many donors for their partnership in this milestone.

"The SIM Philippines Mission Center in Manila is a gracious provision from God," said Dr Diane Marshall, SIM Deputy International Director, Asia-Pacific. "The property is a wonderful environment for counseling and small group discipleship. It is a dynamic space to facilitate the mobilizing, equipping and sending of Filipinos into cross-cultural ministry locally and globally.

It will immediately become a place of hospitality, refuge and spiritual retreat for workers as well as a center of networking and much needed administrative services. SIM Philippines Mission Center will contribute greatly to our calling to make disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ in communities where He is least known, locally and globally."

After some minor renovations, the property will begin operations shortly following the dedication service.

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Related Ministry

Mobilisation Ministry

To send Filipino missionaries locally and to our other SIM countries through tent-making and traditional means. We desire to send workers to communities where Christ is least known.

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