Centro Evangélico de Medicina do Lubango Women's Health Centre

The intent of Centro Evangélico de Medicina do Lubango (CEML) is to build and equip a Women’s Health Centre on the hospital site. This will support CEML in its required medical services expansion. In proceeding with the Women’s Health Centre, CEML will be able to: 

  • more effectively minister to the spiritual needs of the patients. 
  • address the demand for birthing services and increase obstetric fistula clinic capacity. This will positively impact infant mortality and maternal mortality. 
  • implement an education and training program for a generalist doctor, midwife and nurse while continuing the existing obstetric fistula literacy programme. 
  • initiate the Pan-African Academy of Christian Surgeons (PAACS) residency-training programme. 

This is a priority ministry as it addresses a vital need of marginalised people within Angolan society, namely women and children, especially the many young women suffering from vaginal fistulas due to lack of obstetrical care. 

Come and Serve

General surgeons 

Angola, Southern Africa

Internist doctors 

Angola, Southern Africa

Maintenance director 

Angola, Southern Africa
Development director
Angola, Southern Africa

Nurse Practitioner or midwife 

Angola, Southern Africa



Pray for the provision of funds needed to initiate and complete this project. 


Pray for the provision of funds needed to initiate and complete this project. 


Pray for the provision of additional surgeons and doctors that are needed as the foundation of the training program. 


Pray for the provision of additional surgeons and doctors that are needed as the foundation of the training program. 

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Other Ministries from this Country

Rural Healthcare

This ministry seeks to express Christ's love and compassion in rural communities by meeting physical and spiritual needs.

Rural Healthcare

La meta de este ministerio es atender las necesidades físicas y espirituales del pueblo rural de Angola, por medio de la práctica de la buena medicina, un tratamiento cuidadoso, oración por cada paciente, entrenamiento para las enfermeras, y mejorar la salud física y espiritual en la comunidad.