
By faith, we see
- Zimbabwe fully evangelised, that no one may live and die without hearing the gospel and responding to it.
- Believers discipled to live out the gospel in word and deed.
- Christ's compassionate love shared among the poor, marginalised, and hurting.

By faith, we see
- Zimbabwe fully evangelised, that no one may live and die without hearing the gospel and responding to it.
- Believers discipled to live out the gospel in word and deed.
- Christ's compassionate love shared among the poor, marginalised, and hurting.
Come and Serve

Orphan and Vulnerable Children Ministry
The aim of our ministry is to love and support vulnerable children and their caregivers by meeting their educational, physical and psychosocial needs.

Leadership Training & Pastor Book Sets
Our aim is to train and equip pastors and other church leaders to teach the gospel of Jesus Christ in a holistic way to protect the Church against incorrect teachings.

Home Based Care Ministry
Reaching out with the gospel and humanitarian assistance to people surviving HIV infection.
Communities where Christ is least known
Immigrants from India
Indians arrived in Zimbabwe as traders as far back as 1890. Their population has steadily increased, and by 2016, they numbered slightly over a hundred thousand. Most are business people of the Gujarati ethnic group, living in urban areas. Most speak English, and a few speak indigenous languages.
They are a closed community, having contact and interaction with other ethnicities only in their shops. The majority are Muslims and Hindus, and a very small number are Christians. Pray that God sends to Zimbabwe a missionary of Indian or Asian background, who may be able to engage the Indian communities and present the gospel of Christ.
Pray for the Church in Zimbabwe to stay strong against heresy.
Pray for the Church in Zimbabwe to stay strong against heresy.
Pray for disciple-making ministries to take root in every church and strengthen believers.
Pray for disciple-making ministries to take root in every church and strengthen believers.
Pray for the Church to look outwards and participate in the Great Commission.
Pray for the Church to look outwards and participate in the Great Commission.
Pray for God to protect the nation and His Church against the increase and threats of Islam.
Pray for God to protect the nation and His Church against the increase and threats of Islam.
Pray for peaceful elections and economic stability in 2018.
Pray for peaceful elections and economic stability in 2018.