
By faith, we see SIM Namibia partnering with churches and other organisations to reach children and youth, impacting people who are living and dying withotu Christ, and helping the church disciple people both inside and outside of it. By faith,we see new missionaries joining us in the work we still have before us.

By faith, we see SIM Namibia partnering with churches and other organisations to reach children and youth, impacting people who are living and dying withotu Christ, and helping the church disciple people both inside and outside of it. By faith,we see new missionaries joining us in the work we still have before us.
Come and Serve

Youth and Childrens Ministries
Our goal is to train Namibians on how to reach out to children and young people who are growing up without hearing the good news of Jesus Christ.

Pastors Book Set Conferences Held in Namibia
The goal of this ministry is to provide teaching tools and materials to 1,400 Christian workers in Namibia and to provide Biblical teaching at the eight different Pastor’s Book Set (PBS) conferences.
Communities where Christ is least known
Children and youth
Following Namibia’s independence in 1990, a generation has grown up for whom Jesus is no longer relevant. About 55 per cent of Namibia’s population is aged 25 years and under, and most have not heard the gospel. Namibian youth are no longer brought up attending church as their parents were, and they see the morals and values that their elders preach hardly lived out.
Young people are increasingly drifting into a secular life style. SIM works in community development with disadvantaged children, and, through ministry at the Namibia Evangelical Theological Seminary (NETS), assists in equipping church leaders to grasp the opportunities to reach children and youth with the Gospel.
Pray for God to send more workers to Namibia.
Pray for God to send more workers to Namibia.
Pray for our team as we look into new areas of outreach, especially in Muslim work.
Pray for our team as we look into new areas of outreach, especially in Muslim work.
Pray for the churches in Namibia to hear God’s calling to missions both inside and outside of the country.
Pray for the churches in Namibia to hear God’s calling to missions both inside and outside of the country.
Pray for pastors and other church workers to effectively share what they have learned through the Pastors’ Book Set conferences.
Pray for pastors and other church workers to effectively share what they have learned through the Pastors’ Book Set conferences.