The guiding star

By Tianna Haas | International

Stock image by Adrian Pelletier.

Often, SIM worker Angelica* gets the opportunity to share truth with colleagues at the clinic where she works as a physician.

This season, one Muslim colleague brought up their prophet’s birthday celebration and their horoscope, which gave Angelica the chance to speak about Jesus, “who was born to us and came to save us.”

Angelica explained, “In this part of the world, it is a December tradition to broadcast astrological predictions for the upcoming year.”

She then told the story of the magi who were guided by the star to see the child Messiah. She explained that the sign alerted the wise men from the east to Jesus’ birth and led them to travel to worship him.

At first the colleague was engaged. Angelica said, “She listened attentively, and even reflected back to me, ‘He killed all the young boys?’ with incredulity, in response to Herod killing all the boys under age two.”

Angelica was excited that her colleague showed interest and shared that God protected Jesus by telling his father, Joseph, in a dream to escape to Egypt.

But abruptly, her colleague changed the subject, saying, “So, are your kids starting school?”

Angelica was disappointed the discussion didn’t go further but trusts she can later build on it. She said, “Many are still afraid just to hear stories different than their own.”

She has just completed her second year with SIM but has spent over a year in this country. These promising conversations early on in her ministry are groundwork for relationships and deeper discussions.

Pray for:

• The seed of this conversation to grow and for Angelica’s colleague to put her trust in Jesus.

• Angelica as she works in medical ministry to represent Christ and continue sharing her faith with those around her.

Serve with us

Many like Angelica’s colleague still do not know the gospel story. Can you join us and tell the others about this good news? Contact us today to find out how you can serve.

*Name changed.

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