Numbers - Accounting as Mission

By Brian Yung | Thailand in Pacific Asia


When Veronica moved from Ecuador to Thailand it certainly wasn't the kind of life choice she thought she would or could ever make. She's shy, and didn't really imagine herself learning and being pushed to speak two new languages at once, to say nothing of immersing herself in a completely different culture. But Veronica loves numbers.

Being able to use her accounting skills to support the work of SIM while serving in a local Thai church proved to her that missions isn't only for outgoing, adventurous people. "When it comes to missions, the truth is that as people we come with fears because we don't know what will happen in the future," Veronica says. But, "I'm here, very far away from my country and I'm very shy. If I can do that, anyone can do that."

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SIM Asset Publisher Portlet

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