Luis finds hope in our Redeemer

By David Ludeña | Ecuador in South America

Luis*, his wife Carla*, two of their three daughters, and teammates David Ludeña and Dustan King.

I got to know Luis* in a small community in Loja, Ecuador. He works in construction and has been a Christian since his teenage years, when a friend shared the message of Jesus with him. But Luis has been struggling with alcohol for many years.

As a child, he saw his father become consumed by alcohol, and with this example, Luis also developed an addiction. He said this caused him to handle problems poorly, but also damaged his understanding of God.

Luis found both local support and hope at an evangelical church 10 miles away. He’d travel every Sunday to fellowship! Although it’s a small church, it has shown love to Luis and his family.

Several times Luis had felt discouraged after relapsing, and this affected relationships with his entire family. They shared with us about their pain and the trauma of his addiction. In the midst of suffering, his wife Carla cried out to God for help, and with their daughters, prayed for him.

In April, Luis and his family asked us for help, and we learned about these struggles. From that point on, they opened their home as a “house of peace,” and every Thursday, some of our team met with them. Together, we have prayed, sung, studied the Bible and walked with them through this healing process.

Our team has seen how their lives have been impacted by spending time together. We have witnessed a change in their perspective on the image of God and the causes of suffering.

They told us, “We had always believed that God punishes and that our sufferings are due to that punishment.” As the Holy Spirit has healed their hearts’ wounds, they have understood how God is good, merciful, patient, slow to anger, and faithful, even if we are unfaithful. They now know that his grace and love are bigger than our failings. They know Jesus made a way for them to be reconciled with God.

Please pray for this family. Pray that God would continue to heal their hearts and that they experience the peace God offers through our Redeemer.

Pray for:

- the continued and complete restoration of Luis.
- the internal health of his family.
- wisdom for our team working in the rural part of Loja.

*Names changed.

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