We envision churches in East Asia glorifying God by partnering with the global Church, SIM, sending churches, and our supporting constituencies in sending many missionaries to the least reached in different parts of the world.
Harvest joy among the Yao people
Ministry to the Yao of Malawi has resulted in the establishment of a church who, last year, completed and dedicated a brand new building. Now it is helping them to be even more effective among their community.
A church where the stone was first cast
Forgiveness shown by Sports Friends' workers in Malawi after a physical assault resulted in many people coming to know the love of God in a relationship with Jesus.
Born-again Kuba seeks God’s priorities in Poland
Despite having grown up and been active in the church in Poland much of his life, a time of doubt and disconnection led Kuba into a new depth of relationship with God. Now he is seeking to share the good news he found with others in his homeland and beyond.
Heartbreak unlocks a door for hope
How Christian compassion shown to a girl tragically suffering from cerebral malaria led to an open door for real hope to enter a Fulani community in West Africa.
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Web Content
A raw message
SIM For Freedom's Sarah Scott Webb recently spent two weeks with Ukrainian church and denominational leaders, listening as they told their stories and discussed ways we could support them and their people.
Pioneer Esther* is taking the gospel into the heart of Central Asia
Read how a front-footed young woman is seeking to bring social, economic and spiritual change to rural communities in Central Asia by sharing the gospel of hope with people who have never heard it.
Extending God’s love in Australia
Cross-cultural workers in Australia have had the joy of sharing the gospel with refugees, migrants and international students. Read how one of them saw God work in a special way as members of his community were baptised.
Storytelling is not just for kids
As we retell the nativity story this Christmas, it's worth remembering that for two thirds of the world's population, storytelling is the primary way of learning and connecting. AfriGo Magazine's recent storytelling issue encourages us to investigate.
Christmas in Athens: The Macs’ Greek odessey
Christmas is a wonderful opportunity to share the hope of Christ for one family serving in Greece. Connecting with locals and migrants, they long to see vibrant churches planted.
Hold fast like lichen: Art’s power to redirect our thoughts
Art can focus our thoughts uniquely and communicate truth in powerful ways. Read how a piece by SIM's global arts ministry point person Pete McCarthy encourages us to 'Hold Fast'.
Hope reaches hurting Rocio through radio
Radio is able to reach people with the gospel when they need it most, and often where no one else can get to them. Find out how God changed Rocio's life through Ecuador's Radio Hope.
On your bike! A ride for Ethiopia
A couple in their 60s have ridden 2,500km on a hybrid tandem flying the Ethiopian flag to raise awareness of the work with SIM. Read how their epic journey and unusual bike caught many people's interest along the way.
SIM New Zealand desires to see many workers joining in what God is doing around the world, thriving and making a difference in communities where Christ is least known.
Motivated by Christ’s love, we strive to make disciples where Christ is not yet known. By faith we see those without Christ in Thailand authentically responding to the Gospel and being discipled into biblically-based, community-transforming churches that engage in mission.
By faith, we see vibrant, healthy, and reproducing churches, growing in communities where Christ is least known and crossing ethnicities, languages and hierarchy to worship Jesus together in Myanmar communities.
By faith we see Korean churches sending, networking, equipping, and supporting missionaries to fulfil Christ’s commission where Jesus Christ is least known so that people might find the living hope in Him, bring joy to God and glorify Him as part of the active and faithful Church around the world.
By faith, we see an established multi-ethnic team, vibrantly witnessing to the gospel through character, word, and action in Vietnamese communities where Christ is least known.
By grace and in dependence on God, we strive to facilitate more people, prayer, and funds for Christ’s global mission, especially making disciples of Christ where He is least known.
The vision of SIM Mongolia is to glorify God by reaching the people of Mongolia with the Gospel and making disciples in the Mongolian churches, so they become mature, evangelistic, and engaged in missions.
Seeds bearing fruit in the Sahel
Over many decades, SIM workers serving with the ‘Sowing Seeds’ project have transformed communities in the Sahel. One of them, Tony Rinaudo, shares his story with us.
Global Impact Prayer Content
Global Impact Page Content
'Finishing' well
Stephen and Heather are using their skills for mission at an age when many might be thinking of retiring. Discover their story.
Radio Hope
Radio "Ondas de Esperanza" ("Radio Hope") proclaims the gospel in Ecuador through quality Christian radio programming.
Showing 211 to 240 of 833 entries.