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Engaging believers in Missional Discipleship

By faith, we see our local churches growing and equipped for mission in our region and beyond. Help us disciple and train believers to participate in cross-cultural mission, to overcome language and religious barriers, and to share Christ with neighbours from the majority religion. You could serve alongside local believers in university, youth or children’s ministry; mentor Christian leaders and businesspeople as they seek to follow Christ in their context; or join with our audio ministry in producing Christian teaching. We also invite you to serve and equip church members in the community through small business training, teacher training and community health services. Learning French and a local language allow you to engage effectively with the church community and one of the main unreached people groups in the area.

West Africa

Long term (+2 years)

Lead and Serve the SIM Team

We are a growing multicultural team who long to see God’s kingdom grow in our region. We have good partnerships in place with other missions and churches in our area. We are working to see these relationships continue to grow for God’s glory. We are currently seeking a business administrator to work in finance and leadership, as well as a teacher to work in a homeschool co-op setting with mission children. Together, we seek to develop skills in member care and administration and would welcome those with giftings and interests in those areas. French is the language for most administrative roles. Learning an additional local language would permit you to form relationships with one of the unreached people groups in our region.

West Africa

Long term (+2 years)

Sports Friends Ghana

Sports Friends’ vision is to see a global movement of churches using sports to make disciples of Jesus Christ. Sports Friends’ Ghana vision is to see a national movement of churches using sports to make disciples of Jesus Christ

Ghana, West Africa

Mid term (1 to 2 years)


KIBIR is collaborating with the church to equip Christian business owners, graduates-professionals, university students and faith leaders for marketplace ministry. We also encourage our target groups to formulate intentional kingdom impact plans and expand them to Missional projects with four major bottom lines (spiritual – mission, social, economic, and environmental) in doing so we would like to see a redeemed marketplace without corruption.

Ethiopia, East and Central Africa

Any duration

Equipping the Church for Mission

We see people and churches equipped for Kingdom ministries, serving effectively in their contexts and beyond.

Ghana, West Africa

Any duration

Partnering with NE Indian in sending missionaries

The workers sent out by SIM North East India (SIMNEI) will be able to serve in their ministry contexts wholeheartedly, not having to worry about their financial support.

India, East Asia

Any duration

Outreach Dagomba

To see Dagomba people come to faith in Jesus Christ and become part of Christ-centred churches. We want those churches to value Dagbani culture, be a gospel witness in their communities, and actively participate in God’s worldwide kingdom.

Ghana, West Africa

Any duration

Diaspora Ministry

We are building teams to share the good news of Jesus to those living in diaspora communities in many places around the world. Could you join one of these teams?

East Asia

Any duration

Church Planting and Evangelism among the Diaspora Chinese in Africa

Where there is a Chinese restaurant, let there also be a Chinese church

East Asia

Any duration

Supporting SIM Kenya Ministries

SIM Kenya ministry teams are supported to do life and ministry well.

Kenya, East and Central Africa

Long term (+2 years)

Eleventh Hour Network

Both the Coastal Region and Northern Kenya are least reached with the gospel and desperately need cross-cultural ministry workers. Eleventh Hour Network seeks to awaken Kenyan churches to the opportunity of propagating the gospel in these regions and beyond. The ministry promotes mission activity within local churches and encourages the churches to take the gospel to the nearby least reached people groups. We build ministry networks, train the local pastors and evangelists to catalyse local mission and church planting.

Kenya, East and Central Africa

Long term (+2 years)

Leadership & Services of SIM Latinoamerica

1. Strengthen the operations of the SIM Latinoamerica office as a signatory entity of SIM International. 2. Partner with the church and local organisations in the training, sending and caring of long-term Latino workers.

Latinoamerica, South & Central America

Any duration