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SIM Stories

Choir hits all the right notes

A key achievement of cross-cultural worker Lawrence Jah’s ministry is launching the first African choir in a church that’s 50% white Scots and 50% from the rest of the world. Now, they are getting ready for Christmas…

Interactive culture kits help kids engage with mission

Discover a brilliant new learning and teaching resource, created and made available for free to help inspire the next generation into mission.

The Father’s heart for mothers in ministry

Cross-cultural work has many challenges, not least helping mothers and children navigate big life changes. How does SIM provide care for families whose calling leads them through unsettled circumstances?

‘Second chance’ pastor on track to see gospel growth

Hearing God's voice on a train led a businessman in the world of organised crime to become a Christian and church leader. Now, he wants to see the transforming grace he experienced touch the lives of others.

Those who cannot read are taught to teach the Bible

Helping unschooled women teach the Bible to kids was the last thing on SIM worker Sharon Samson's mind. But when she saw the need she eagerly used her skills to meet it - even though it took her nine years. Find out about the free-to-use curriculum she developed.

The gospel drop by drop

Deep in the Andes mountains of Peru, water engineer Lizzie White uses her skills to safeguard against waterborne diseases, and show local communities a church that both cares and brings gospel hope.

Christ-centred ministry spreads more and more light

Young Legends began as a bright idea in Cape Town. Now, this sports ministry is growing to shed gospel light across South Africa. Find out how it started, and how SIM is helping to rescue young lives from the shadows of hopelessness.

Will you pray for refugees in Europe?

HowWillTheyHear is a vital SIM partner ministry that reaches out with gospel hope to those who find themselves refugees in Europe. Each October, they ask us all to pray with them for 10 minutes a day, over 14 days. Find out why, and how to join in.

Esther’s Ecuador education helps her share good news

Being the child of mission workers comes with many challenges and joys, but it can be a very enriching life. Esther King tells Ecuador MK team lead Rachel Wilson how her childhood has influenced her life.

Discipling the next generation for Christ

With 70 per cent of the country's population under the age of 30, Malawi's pastors are eager to be equipped for the task of reaching and helping a generation of young people. A recent event, sponsored by SIM, was set up to do just that.

Flood relief for Pakistan’s Sindh province

As the impact of serious flooding continues to be felt, SIM workers are partnering with others to bring hope and practical help to people who desperately need it. Find out what is happening and how you could get involved.

Ukraine Bible school reopens as war continues

Ministers of the gospel of peace continue to be encouraged and equipped as Odesa Bible College begins a new term.

Milestone as Manya New Testament translation completed

The words of the Bible in a people group's own language is a huge step towards them hearing and truly understanding the gospel. There are currently still over 2000 languages without a Bible, but John-Mark and Sara Sheppard, mission workers with SIM in Liberia, recently saw the completion of the New Testment translated into the Manya language.

Successful surgery ends shame for E

Years of rejection end for a Malagasy woman, and a new life begins, as SIM surgeon Ted Watts successfully completes a difficult operation to repair her damaged bladder. Ted is lead surgeon at the Good News Hospital in Mandritsara, Madagascar, and shares this moving story…

Peny dances in the desert

How one woman brings life through ministering the gospel to children in Kenya's desert region.

Pakistan flood appeal

Millions of people have been affected by the floods in Pakistan and our SIM team there has launched an appeal to help them

Testimony from Waves of Hope Radio Ministry

Waves of Hope Radio Ministry team expanded their outreach to a local church where 90 children were influenced for the gospel.

Recovered health and renewed faith

Louise and a team from ELWA Hospital traveled to a remote village for a pop-up clinic. While there they treated many patients. One of these was a boy whose father had prior doubts about Christianity. Thanks to medication the team brought, the boy's health was restored, and in turn, his father's faith was renewed.

Rejoicing in hope

Life can often be difficult for women and children living in Central Asia. A new crisis centre aims to equip these women with practical and occupational training, as well as medical and psychological care. Through God's faithfulness the centre is now being constructed.

Multiplying impact through business as mission

Hikari was meditating on Matthew 21 when he heard God call him to serve. For Hikari and his family this meant moving to a different country with SIM's Faithful Witness initiative. In a place where the church is scattered and a religion besides Christianity is dominant, Hikari and his family needed a means to form relationships with those around them - they found this through business as mission.

SIM Stories

Choir hits all the right notes

A key achievement of cross-cultural worker Lawrence Jah’s ministry is launching the first African choir in a church that’s 50% white Scots and 50% from the rest of the world. Now, they are getting ready for Christmas…

Interactive culture kits help kids engage with mission

Discover a brilliant new learning and teaching resource, created and made available for free to help inspire the next generation into mission.

The Father’s heart for mothers in ministry

Cross-cultural work has many challenges, not least helping mothers and children navigate big life changes. How does SIM provide care for families whose calling leads them through unsettled circumstances?

‘Second chance’ pastor on track to see gospel growth

Hearing God's voice on a train led a businessman in the world of organised crime to become a Christian and church leader. Now, he wants to see the transforming grace he experienced touch the lives of others.

Those who cannot read are taught to teach the Bible

Helping unschooled women teach the Bible to kids was the last thing on SIM worker Sharon Samson's mind. But when she saw the need she eagerly used her skills to meet it - even though it took her nine years. Find out about the free-to-use curriculum she developed.

The gospel drop by drop

Deep in the Andes mountains of Peru, water engineer Lizzie White uses her skills to safeguard against waterborne diseases, and show local communities a church that both cares and brings gospel hope.

Christ-centred ministry spreads more and more light

Young Legends began as a bright idea in Cape Town. Now, this sports ministry is growing to shed gospel light across South Africa. Find out how it started, and how SIM is helping to rescue young lives from the shadows of hopelessness.

Will you pray for refugees in Europe?

HowWillTheyHear is a vital SIM partner ministry that reaches out with gospel hope to those who find themselves refugees in Europe. Each October, they ask us all to pray with them for 10 minutes a day, over 14 days. Find out why, and how to join in.

Esther’s Ecuador education helps her share good news

Being the child of mission workers comes with many challenges and joys, but it can be a very enriching life. Esther King tells Ecuador MK team lead Rachel Wilson how her childhood has influenced her life.

Discipling the next generation for Christ

With 70 per cent of the country's population under the age of 30, Malawi's pastors are eager to be equipped for the task of reaching and helping a generation of young people. A recent event, sponsored by SIM, was set up to do just that.

Flood relief for Pakistan’s Sindh province

As the impact of serious flooding continues to be felt, SIM workers are partnering with others to bring hope and practical help to people who desperately need it. Find out what is happening and how you could get involved.

Ukraine Bible school reopens as war continues

Ministers of the gospel of peace continue to be encouraged and equipped as Odesa Bible College begins a new term.

Milestone as Manya New Testament translation completed

The words of the Bible in a people group's own language is a huge step towards them hearing and truly understanding the gospel. There are currently still over 2000 languages without a Bible, but John-Mark and Sara Sheppard, mission workers with SIM in Liberia, recently saw the completion of the New Testment translated into the Manya language.

Successful surgery ends shame for E

Years of rejection end for a Malagasy woman, and a new life begins, as SIM surgeon Ted Watts successfully completes a difficult operation to repair her damaged bladder. Ted is lead surgeon at the Good News Hospital in Mandritsara, Madagascar, and shares this moving story…

Peny dances in the desert

How one woman brings life through ministering the gospel to children in Kenya's desert region.

Pakistan flood appeal

Millions of people have been affected by the floods in Pakistan and our SIM team there has launched an appeal to help them

Testimony from Waves of Hope Radio Ministry

Waves of Hope Radio Ministry team expanded their outreach to a local church where 90 children were influenced for the gospel.

Recovered health and renewed faith

Louise and a team from ELWA Hospital traveled to a remote village for a pop-up clinic. While there they treated many patients. One of these was a boy whose father had prior doubts about Christianity. Thanks to medication the team brought, the boy's health was restored, and in turn, his father's faith was renewed.

Rejoicing in hope

Life can often be difficult for women and children living in Central Asia. A new crisis centre aims to equip these women with practical and occupational training, as well as medical and psychological care. Through God's faithfulness the centre is now being constructed.

Multiplying impact through business as mission

Hikari was meditating on Matthew 21 when he heard God call him to serve. For Hikari and his family this meant moving to a different country with SIM's Faithful Witness initiative. In a place where the church is scattered and a religion besides Christianity is dominant, Hikari and his family needed a means to form relationships with those around them - they found this through business as mission.