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SIM Stories

Regies remarkable journey: From bleak childhood to global mission

In the midst of a harsh childhood, Regie Wang encountered God's love – now she inspires the Church to do missions.

Pure devotion: Ghanaian child and widow care

Fela and his family minister to children and exiled widows in Gushegu, and leading up to the COVID-19 pandemic, they provided them with food relief.

Prisoners for Christ in Ethiopia: The rest of the story

Bill determined to visit Ethiopian church leaders in prison, pray for them and seek their release. They had been beaten, tortured and incarcerated for their faith. That is all that Bill remembered or heard of the story — until 32 years later.

Prabhouti's Wedding

Traditionally, Prabhouti should have married years ago. Girls in her village are married early – sometimes as young as twelve years old – just like their mothers were before them.

Parkinsons patient Christine ministers to Peruvians with disabilities

As Christine came to terms with her early-onset Parkinson's Disease, the Lord enabled her to help those with disabilities or illnesses embrace their worth in Christ. Read about her experience now.

Opening doors through business in North Africa

Language and culture education business creates employment and ministry opportunities.

Nozomi Project trains Cambodian women in reclamation

The Nozomi Project shares its passion for redemption with women in Cambodia. Find out how this Japanese, faith-based enterprise is awakening hope.

New missions Centre carries SIM Philippines into new era

The time intensive plants take tending and patience, finally yielding a crop many years after planting. So it goes with ministry to minority religious groups in the Philippines.

New Uruguay mission school has vision for world missions

SIM has a commitment to see Uruguay reached for Christ. And through key partnerships with like-minded organisations, a new missionary training school called Todos Oiran (All Will Hear) is opening its doors in Montevideo, Uruguay.

Mustafas miracle

Through an incredible encounter of God’s power, Mustafa became a believer — but his friend Nabi made plans to kill him.

Music academy develops talent, preserves Nigerian church music

Martha Bradford had no intention of teaching music in Nigeria. But today she is running a music academy and helping to preserve Nigerian church music.

Murree Christian closes, search for MK educators ensues

Christian families in Pakistan are in search of visionary educators for their children due to the closure of Murree Christian School.

Multiplying help for the brokenhearted

God wants to heal the brokenhearted. Read more about the local facilitators who were trained to support wounded people and to teach others with the "Healing the Wounds of Trauma" programme.

Modelling the Christian faith through relationships

Living out our faith with sincerity is often a powerful avenue for the Holy Spirit to minister to others.

Misheels university students present Christmas

Lecturer and SIM worker, Misheel, had the chance to answer questions about the gospel, all because her students chose an astonishing subject for their group projects: Christmas.

Manuel trains Mbya Guaraní children in football

Manuel, a short-term SIM worker in Paraguay from Switzerland, is using his enthusiasm for sport to proclaim the gospel among Mbya Guaraní children.

Mabaan Old Testament complete after 20 years

Through the faithful work of South Sudanese scholars the Old Testament is at last in the Mabaan language.

MANI 2016: Hearing and Obeying God in Times Like These

More than 560 delegates from more than 50 countries gathered in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia 7-11 March for the third consultation of the Movement for African National Initiatives (MANI).

Loving the oppressor (and not only the oppressed)

The Bible talks about loving the oppressed – the widows and orphans, those who have suffered and have been treated unjustly. But what about loving the oppressors, the ones who have sinned against others? In Myanmar, the Bamar majority people are seen as oppressors and the perpetrators of some of the worst violations to human rights. These are the people Sandra and Tim want to share Jesus with.

Longing to breathe free

Pastor S has been in a terrible place of bondage to drug addiction. And now his life mission is to prevent anyone he can from staying in that dark, destructive place.

SIM Stories

Regies remarkable journey: From bleak childhood to global mission

In the midst of a harsh childhood, Regie Wang encountered God's love – now she inspires the Church to do missions.

Pure devotion: Ghanaian child and widow care

Fela and his family minister to children and exiled widows in Gushegu, and leading up to the COVID-19 pandemic, they provided them with food relief.

Prisoners for Christ in Ethiopia: The rest of the story

Bill determined to visit Ethiopian church leaders in prison, pray for them and seek their release. They had been beaten, tortured and incarcerated for their faith. That is all that Bill remembered or heard of the story — until 32 years later.

Prabhouti's Wedding

Traditionally, Prabhouti should have married years ago. Girls in her village are married early – sometimes as young as twelve years old – just like their mothers were before them.

Parkinsons patient Christine ministers to Peruvians with disabilities

As Christine came to terms with her early-onset Parkinson's Disease, the Lord enabled her to help those with disabilities or illnesses embrace their worth in Christ. Read about her experience now.

Opening doors through business in North Africa

Language and culture education business creates employment and ministry opportunities.

Nozomi Project trains Cambodian women in reclamation

The Nozomi Project shares its passion for redemption with women in Cambodia. Find out how this Japanese, faith-based enterprise is awakening hope.

New missions Centre carries SIM Philippines into new era

The time intensive plants take tending and patience, finally yielding a crop many years after planting. So it goes with ministry to minority religious groups in the Philippines.

New Uruguay mission school has vision for world missions

SIM has a commitment to see Uruguay reached for Christ. And through key partnerships with like-minded organisations, a new missionary training school called Todos Oiran (All Will Hear) is opening its doors in Montevideo, Uruguay.

Mustafas miracle

Through an incredible encounter of God’s power, Mustafa became a believer — but his friend Nabi made plans to kill him.

Music academy develops talent, preserves Nigerian church music

Martha Bradford had no intention of teaching music in Nigeria. But today she is running a music academy and helping to preserve Nigerian church music.

Murree Christian closes, search for MK educators ensues

Christian families in Pakistan are in search of visionary educators for their children due to the closure of Murree Christian School.

Multiplying help for the brokenhearted

God wants to heal the brokenhearted. Read more about the local facilitators who were trained to support wounded people and to teach others with the "Healing the Wounds of Trauma" programme.

Modelling the Christian faith through relationships

Living out our faith with sincerity is often a powerful avenue for the Holy Spirit to minister to others.

Misheels university students present Christmas

Lecturer and SIM worker, Misheel, had the chance to answer questions about the gospel, all because her students chose an astonishing subject for their group projects: Christmas.

Manuel trains Mbya Guaraní children in football

Manuel, a short-term SIM worker in Paraguay from Switzerland, is using his enthusiasm for sport to proclaim the gospel among Mbya Guaraní children.

Mabaan Old Testament complete after 20 years

Through the faithful work of South Sudanese scholars the Old Testament is at last in the Mabaan language.

MANI 2016: Hearing and Obeying God in Times Like These

More than 560 delegates from more than 50 countries gathered in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia 7-11 March for the third consultation of the Movement for African National Initiatives (MANI).

Loving the oppressor (and not only the oppressed)

The Bible talks about loving the oppressed – the widows and orphans, those who have suffered and have been treated unjustly. But what about loving the oppressors, the ones who have sinned against others? In Myanmar, the Bamar majority people are seen as oppressors and the perpetrators of some of the worst violations to human rights. These are the people Sandra and Tim want to share Jesus with.

Longing to breathe free

Pastor S has been in a terrible place of bondage to drug addiction. And now his life mission is to prevent anyone he can from staying in that dark, destructive place.