SIM Stories

From affected to involved to infected
Julieta Murillo, director of SIM Latin America, contracted COVID-19, suffered, and recovered with the Lord's help. Read her account.

Sophia’s childhood dreams
Jesus’ gracious gift of salvation inspires many people to charitable acts, especially during the holidays. But would you let someone you don’t know cut your hair? Or be prepared to give a haircut to a trusting soul?

Willing hearts: Education in South Asia
How did so many gifted teachers end up serving at our partner school in South Asia? Find out from these three teachers.

Engaging North Africa through missional business
There are few Christians in North Africa. They need brothers and sisters to come and stand with them. Read how Sub-Saharan Christians are indeed hearing the call from the North, “Come over and help us!” and are responding.

Not only on a Sunday
When SIM workers Peter and Claire-Lise Judkins first arrived in Castres, in the south west of France, they quickly set to work to help a small church plant be more effective at disciple-making.

Words on wheels
Just as “the feet of those who bring good news” are beautiful, so is SIM's book van that transports the Word of God throughout Pakistani villages.

Asule’s many homes
Gifted discipler Asule left north east India 12 years ago to share the gospel in Africa. Now, three places hold great importance to her. Read on to find out more about her journey.

Yom Bible published after almost 70 years
A ship bearing 4,000 copies of the Yom Bible arrived in Benin’s Cotonou Port at the beginning of August, marking the completion of an almost 70-year translation project.

Sahel Academy evacuated due to severe flooding
Severe flooding of the Niger River has forced residents of SIM’s Sahel Academy and the Bible Center of Niamey to evacuate.

Fighting for purity
There is a rising challenge to fight for Christ-like purity and resist sexual sin. Read about how SIM Ecuador has formed accountability groups to support young people as they strive in holiness.

A Faithful Witness amidst persecution
Kai* was sitting in a church service in India, praying that God would guide his ministry. Then, clarity came.

Support Beirut during crisis aftermath
The massive explosion at Beirut’s port on 4 August has brought fresh devastation to the people of Lebanon. Find out how to help the immediate needs.

Hand me the chalk
A primary school carries on even after funds dry up and missionaries leave. Read on to hear how God has given them amazing endurance.

Italy refugees jeopardised by pandemic
The COVID-19 pandemic has intensified the struggle for survival that displaced people face in Italy. Read about the current needs of this demographic and how you can help.

The seed planter
This week we were privileged to hear the testimony of a man whose life was eternally changed by a simple question. We invited Martin to sit around a table on our back porch to share with us how the Lord saved him, and how God opened his eyes to the truth of the Gospel. This is Martin’s story.

The mountains have burst: Zimbabwe under Cyclone Idai
When the floods came to Chimanimani, it was as if the mountains exploded. "The people said, ‘the mountains have burst,’” said SIM Zimbabwe Director Caiphas Ngarivhume.

The Yao of Mozambique hear the gospel for first time
Eleven years ago, God placed a dream in our hearts to teach his Word to people in Mozambique who have never heard his message.

SIM relief aid response heads to Mozambique flood zone
Relief supplies from SIM and its partners are on their way to help flood victims in southern Mozambique. They should arrive before the end of March.

Can I ask you a question about Jesus Christ
“Can I ask you a question about Jesus Christ?” That's what Ken asked me as we sat down in our living room, where I keep a Bible in the local language on display.

Amid challenges, God at work in Mali ministries
From the outside looking in, ministering in Mali is a formidable task.
SIM Stories

From affected to involved to infected
Julieta Murillo, director of SIM Latin America, contracted COVID-19, suffered, and recovered with the Lord's help. Read her account.

Sophia’s childhood dreams
Jesus’ gracious gift of salvation inspires many people to charitable acts, especially during the holidays. But would you let someone you don’t know cut your hair? Or be prepared to give a haircut to a trusting soul?

Willing hearts: Education in South Asia
How did so many gifted teachers end up serving at our partner school in South Asia? Find out from these three teachers.

Engaging North Africa through missional business
There are few Christians in North Africa. They need brothers and sisters to come and stand with them. Read how Sub-Saharan Christians are indeed hearing the call from the North, “Come over and help us!” and are responding.

Not only on a Sunday
When SIM workers Peter and Claire-Lise Judkins first arrived in Castres, in the south west of France, they quickly set to work to help a small church plant be more effective at disciple-making.

Words on wheels
Just as “the feet of those who bring good news” are beautiful, so is SIM's book van that transports the Word of God throughout Pakistani villages.

Asule’s many homes
Gifted discipler Asule left north east India 12 years ago to share the gospel in Africa. Now, three places hold great importance to her. Read on to find out more about her journey.

Yom Bible published after almost 70 years
A ship bearing 4,000 copies of the Yom Bible arrived in Benin’s Cotonou Port at the beginning of August, marking the completion of an almost 70-year translation project.

Sahel Academy evacuated due to severe flooding
Severe flooding of the Niger River has forced residents of SIM’s Sahel Academy and the Bible Center of Niamey to evacuate.

Fighting for purity
There is a rising challenge to fight for Christ-like purity and resist sexual sin. Read about how SIM Ecuador has formed accountability groups to support young people as they strive in holiness.

A Faithful Witness amidst persecution
Kai* was sitting in a church service in India, praying that God would guide his ministry. Then, clarity came.

Support Beirut during crisis aftermath
The massive explosion at Beirut’s port on 4 August has brought fresh devastation to the people of Lebanon. Find out how to help the immediate needs.

Hand me the chalk
A primary school carries on even after funds dry up and missionaries leave. Read on to hear how God has given them amazing endurance.

Italy refugees jeopardised by pandemic
The COVID-19 pandemic has intensified the struggle for survival that displaced people face in Italy. Read about the current needs of this demographic and how you can help.

The seed planter
This week we were privileged to hear the testimony of a man whose life was eternally changed by a simple question. We invited Martin to sit around a table on our back porch to share with us how the Lord saved him, and how God opened his eyes to the truth of the Gospel. This is Martin’s story.

The mountains have burst: Zimbabwe under Cyclone Idai
When the floods came to Chimanimani, it was as if the mountains exploded. "The people said, ‘the mountains have burst,’” said SIM Zimbabwe Director Caiphas Ngarivhume.

The Yao of Mozambique hear the gospel for first time
Eleven years ago, God placed a dream in our hearts to teach his Word to people in Mozambique who have never heard his message.

SIM relief aid response heads to Mozambique flood zone
Relief supplies from SIM and its partners are on their way to help flood victims in southern Mozambique. They should arrive before the end of March.

Can I ask you a question about Jesus Christ
“Can I ask you a question about Jesus Christ?” That's what Ken asked me as we sat down in our living room, where I keep a Bible in the local language on display.

Amid challenges, God at work in Mali ministries
From the outside looking in, ministering in Mali is a formidable task.
20 Articles par la page