A primary school carries on even after funds dry up and missionaries leave. Read on to hear how God has given them amazing endurance.
In June 2019, interns learned how to use their artistic skills in missions. Find out the unique ways visual arts can unlock opportunities to share Christ's love.
What can a thriving Ethiopian church teach us about impact? Find out now.
Pastor S has been in a terrible place of bondage to drug addiction. And now his life mission is to prevent anyone he can from staying in that dark, destructive place.
In our finite existence and brokenness, we continue to find hope and meaning in a God of infinite hope. Manglo may not yet know Jesus as her Lord and Saviour, but the door to salvation has been opened.
Kai* was sitting in a church service in India, praying that God would guide his ministry. Then, clarity came.
Gifted discipler Asule left north east India 12 years ago to share the gospel in Africa. Now, three places hold great importance to her. Read on to find out more about her journey.
For two Faithful Witness mission workers relocating to Central Africa, healthcare is the avenue for discipleship to show compassion to our broken world.
Like most girls from her village, Khushboo grew up accepting the established gender roles.
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