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Peru Administration

Direction, administration and support services for the SIM Peru team. We need people gifted with administration and office skills - talk to us to find out where you could fit in.

Peru, South & Central America

Long term (+2 years)

Helping mission workers thrive

Do you have a heart to help mission workers thrive in the heat of the desert and the smog of megacities? If you have practical skills or pastoral skills, we invite you to come and join our multi-cultural team. Whether pastoral carer or finance manager, teacher or youth-worker for the team's kids, organiser or administrator for our projects and offices, there's a place for you to serve those in pioneer ministry. We can't wait to meet you.

South Asia

Any duration

Women's Ministry

We seek to support women at a range of life stages and situations, according to their needs, building relationships and trust, and helping them to understand the hope and joy the gospel offers. If you have worked with women or women's groups, we'd love to hear from you!

Peru, South & Central America

Long term (+2 years)

Youth and Student Ministry

We equip churches to invest in young people, offering training and mentoring for youth leaders, and equipping young people for mission. We also work in schools and universities, doing outreach and discipleship, and offering sexual education training. We support local churches in their youth work, and in reaching those from rural areas who have come to the city for their studies. If you have experience in any of these areas, please get in touch!

Peru, South & Central America

Long term (+2 years)

Equipping Churches

Helping the church identify opportunities for growth and to pursue new areas of ministry. This includes church planting, mobilisation of mission workers and care of members. We need people gifted in inter-personal skills, administration, or simply with a heart to serve the local church.

Peru, South & Central America

Long term (+2 years)

Urban Ministry

We support churches as they offer a range of programmes and activities for their members and others in the local community. We are looking for youth leaders, children's workers, families' workers or anyone with a heart to run outreach events and activities.

Peru, South & Central America

Long term (+2 years)

Leadership and Services

To provide the services, care, and essential leadership to SIM workers to allow ministries to thrive. We aim to be disciples of Jesus, with a deep understanding of God's word, expressing God's love in our communities, worshipping together, and sharing the gospel locally and globally. If you feel God is calling you to any of these roles, please contact us.

Zimbabwe, Southern Africa

Any duration

Theological Education

We partner with the church to teach in centres of theological education, and provide programmes such as TEE (Theological Education by Extension). We also empower students to participate in these programmes. Could you serve as a teacher in one of these ministries?

Peru, South & Central America

Long term (+2 years)

Support Services

This ministry will equip, develop, and help financially support our workers and partners through leadership and worker development, retreats, seminars, and a ministry worker support scheme.

Philippines, East Asia

Any duration

Theology and Resources

We aim to resource church leaders and equip them to teach and explain the Bible accurately and confidently in the evolving cultural context. Please talk to us if you feel God calling you to this ministry.

Zimbabwe, Southern Africa

Any duration

Equipping the persecuted church for mission

Our team has long-term experience and relationships living, serving among and worshipping with the persecuted church in Asia. In urban megacities and rural village ministry, we are helping to train the next generation of church planters, evangelists and mission workers. We need youth ministers willing to work with college students and those who've never learned to read or write; Bible teachers for grassroots first-generation students, and seminary professors for the Master's and Bachelor's levels; women's workers for domestic abuse shelters, and for vibrant local church ministries. We'd love you to join us!

South Asia

Any duration

Medical Ministry

To be a witness of Christ's love among people suffering from sicknesses and diseases so that they place their hope in Christ.

Zimbabwe, Southern Africa

Any duration

Serving and Equipping Churches for Mission

Come and join our multi-cultural team as we serve among the host and refugee communities in rural South Sudan. We work alongside the host population churches, as well as churches in a large refugee community. We are looking for people who love the Lord and have a passion for sharing the good news with others. We have opportunities for disciple-makers, evangelists, Sunday School teachers, trainers for local pastors, chaplains, educators for theological training, and Bible translators to join our team. You can also join us as a prayer partner! We long to see South Sudanese churches send mission workers to communities where God is least known.

South Sudan, East and Central Africa

Mid term (1 to 2 years)
Short term (less than 1 year)

Sports Friends

Working with local church leaders and church members to show how sports can be a useful tool for evangelism and discipleship. Providing training in leadership, sports coaching and mentoring, to equip churches to carry out this ministry. The ministry also requires various supporting and administrative roles.

Peru, South & Central America

Long term (+2 years)

Mobilising for Missions

Come and join our international and multi-cultural team as we serve in a rural community in South Sudan. We work alongside the local population as well as a large refugee community. We are looking for people who love the Lord and have a passion for sharing the good news with others. We need those gifted in writing our stories about what God is doing in South Sudan, media workers such as photographers and videographers, and mobilisers to help add more workers to join our team. You may also join us as a prayer partner! We welcome short-term mission workers as well as those looking to serve long-term. We need new team members to join us who are interested in South Sudan and have skills and gifts to add value to our team, even if only for a season. We long to see more workers join us in our work in South Sudan!

South Sudan, East and Central Africa

Any duration

Borana Outreach

The Borana are a large tribe in northern Kenya and southern Ethiopia. They live in small, scattered communities. They are historically nomadic cattle herders, but some communities have settled in semi-agricultural areas. In addition to keeping small flocks of cattle, goats, and sheep, they are involved in subsistence farming. Most of the Borana are unreached and closed to the gospel, whereas radical Islam is making inroads into the Borana-speaking communities. Mission workers have been accepted into these communities and good ministry relationships have been built. We need a vibrant and multi-skilled ministry team to serve the Borana-speaking communities in northern Kenya.

Kenya, East and Central Africa

Long term (+2 years)

Reaching West Africa

Join our team as we build relationships among two unreached people groups in West Africa. By faith, we live and serve our local communities with a vision to see people hear, understand, and be transformed by the love of Christ. Current ministries include neighbourhood outreach, children's educational programmes, and an audio ministry. Our team strives to build upon these strategies, partner with other missions in the area, and develop new beneficial areas of emphasis. Opportunities include expanding our audio ministry, teaching, ESL, community health outreach, university ministry, sports, children at risk, business as missions, outreach to the homeless, and drug rehabilitation. Most opportunities require French and learning a local language.

West Africa

Long term (+2 years)

East Africa Regional Services

East Africa Regional Services provides high-quality, efficient, and cost-effective services which are relevant and significant to SIM entities in East and Central Africa Region. The leadership teams and ministry workers are given the opportunity to concentrate more on the ministry activities with less disruption by administrative tasks. The ministry provides financial, human resources, government liaison and media services to the supported entities.

Kenya, East and Central Africa

Long term (+2 years)

Mobilizing Kenyan Churches for Mission

There is a fast-growing desire among young believers in some evangelical churches for outreach, disciple-making, and church planting in communities where Christ is least known. More voluntary self-supported local mission workers have started to step out and some evangelical churches have started to send local mission workers to communities where Christ is least known. SIM Kenya aspires to mobilises Kenyan churches for cross-cultural ministries, locally and globally, by recruiting ministry associates; providing short-term cross-cultural ministry training; and developing a cross-cultural ministry training centre. If you could help with any of these, we'd love to hear from you.

Kenya, East and Central Africa

Long term (+2 years)

Asian Diaspora Outreach

People who do not live in their homeland often feel uprooted from their cultures and more open for new friendships, new ideas, and are willing to adapt to a new cultural worldview. Asians in the diaspora are no different from other communities in the diaspora. Therefore, we have a great opportunity to share the gospel with them and reach out to them, and often find greater acceptance than in their home country.

Kenya, East and Central Africa

Long term (+2 years)

Life Challenge Africa

Life Challenge is a ministry that is uniquely focused and passionately committed to mobilize, train and equip the Body of Christ to meaningfully present the Gospel to Muslims and make disciples among them.

Kenya, East and Central Africa

Long term (+2 years)

Digo Outreach

The Digo are the second largest Muslim Unreached People Group in Kenya. Although the Bible has been translated into Chidigo the impact of the gospel on this community of 460,000 along the south Kenya coast has been minimal. SIM Kenya is committed to seeing a change of this sad state and has already started to form a small team that is working towards an effective strategy to reach them.

Kenya, East and Central Africa

Long term (+2 years)

Equipping Kenyan Churches for Mission

Engaging Kenyan churches through training and resource mobilisation to create committed and accountable partners.

Kenya, East and Central Africa

Long term (+2 years)

Sports Friends Kenya

Kenyan church leaders are seeking new and creative strategies to relate to youth. Sport creates an environment for building relationship, which leads to opportunities to share the love of Christ with the youth and their families. Sports Friends Kenya seeks to disciple, train and equip church leaders, missionaries, and church planters to use sports as an avenue for evangelism, discipleship, and church planting. Sports Friends Kenya envisions developed, ongoing and sustainable sports ministry programs fully managed and funded by the local churches. We partner with the Kenyan churches to develop effective and fruitful church-centred sports ministry movements.

Kenya, East and Central Africa

Any duration