Remote Area Dweller Ministry

Our aim is to complete the Bible translation and oral translation of Bible stories into the San language of !Xoon. 

These ministries take place to the remote Area Dwellers of the Kalahari Desert as we evangelise and disciple believers in the truth of God’s word. 

Come and Serve


Botswana, Southern Africa

Bible Teachers 

Botswana, Southern Africa

Oral Bible Evangelists 

Botswana, Southern Africa

Bible Translators 

Botswana, Southern Africa



Pray for our workers as they minister in very isolated settings. 


Pray for our workers as they minister in very isolated settings. 


Pray that as local people translate scripture passages orally these words would touch and transform their hearts. 


Pray that as local people translate scripture passages orally these words would touch and transform their hearts. 


Pray for successors for this ministry as several long-term workers will soon retire. 


Pray for successors for this ministry as several long-term workers will soon retire. 


Pray the Lord would encourage more to support this ministry financially. 


Pray the Lord would encourage more to support this ministry financially. 

SIM Asset Publisher Portlet

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SIM Asset Publisher Portlet

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