Launching the project Lets Mobilise His Church” in Spanish

By Chris Conti | OCLA in South America

The 335-page mobilisation manual, based on interviews from 300 Latin American pastors, missionaries, and mobilisers, is at the printers!

Conferences start in March that will train leaders and mobilisers in how to walk alongside the church in mobilisation and how to use the new Spanish resources. The “Let's Mobilise His Church” project includes a website with 1500 free digital resources, a mobilisation manual and conferences to train mobilisers, pastors and leaders.

Mobilisation is not just about sending missionaries, but also about encouraging all the people of God to participate in the mission of God.

True discipleship leads to mobilisation, as mature believers see their role in evangelization at the local level, being salt and light where God has placed them and through giving and praying for global missions.

The “Let's Mobilise His Church” project first encourages everyone to study a mission course and offers recommendations of basic and more advanced courses. Then, building on the biblical foundation, the mobilisation materials help each Christian with practical ways to be involved and to involve others.

The manual features 12 chapters on how to mobilise 12 specific groups in a church: children, youth, women, men, retirees, professionals, businessmen, etc. It offers strategies to guide each person in the church to daily be part of God’s mission, with chapters on prayer, finances, pastoral care, discipleship, etc. The chapters on partnering, mission agencies, selecting and sending missionaries, and planning short term mission trips will help churches understand the process of sending well.

One chapter, called, “Pastors ARE mobilisers” offers first-hand testimonies from pastors to encourage other pastors to be missional. Another chapter on mobilising pastors will help mobilisers understand how to show respect for their leaders as they encourage mission involvement.

The lists of ideas, testimonies, devotionals, and great tips will give mobilisers encouragement and training to mobilize better.

Pray for a good launch of this new project: Let's Mobilise His Church!



What about other languages?

It’s projected to be available in English, and then later in French, especially for African churches.

The mission resources will be customized and contextualized, not translations. The material will be created from direct input from those who will use the material. We hope to start collecting materials and interviews from Africa soon.

Stay updated on Let's Mobilise His Church

Check out the Let's Mobilise His Church website, which is in Spanish, for more information. You can also keep up with the project on the English Facebook page or the Spanish Facebook page.

Please share our promotional video and promotional brochure with your community.

To contribute funds to the project, click on the donate button below and use the project number P99699. If you have further questions, email Chris Conti.


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