
As a team of Christ's ambassadors, SIM Ecuador exists in love to proclaim and to live out Christ’s message of reconciliation. We do so in the power and for the glory of God. In partnership with the Church, we want to make disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ in communities where he is least known.


As a team of Christ's ambassadors, SIM Ecuador exists in love to proclaim and to live out Christ’s message of reconciliation. We do so in the power and for the glory of God. In partnership with the Church, we want to make disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ in communities where he is least known.

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Come and Serve

For Freedom

Anti-trafficking and exploitation ministries.

Ingessena and Least Reached

This ministry proceeds from our conviction that no one should live and die without having a chance to hear, understand, and believe the gospel. Our aim is to introduce people to Christ.

Youth Workers Toolkit

SIM Kenya is preparing a training book set to equip youth leaders across East Africa to reach young people more effectively.

Sports Friends Kenya

Convinced that no one should live and die without hearing God’s good news, SIM Sports Friends Kenya are making disciples through sports.

Life Challenge Mission to Muslims

Life Challenge is uniquely focused and passionately committed to motivate, train and equip the Church to present the gospel to Muslims. Do you have a vision to equip the African church to reach Muslims for Christ?

Theological and Missional Education

We serve and equip churches for mission through theological and missiological education, working to see biblically grounded, spiritually mature church leaders equipping the Body of Christ to reach and disciple those living without Him.

Children's and Youth Ministry

The population of Botswana has a large proportion of young people, and there is great opportunity to reach them through sports ministry, schools work, early childhood development centres and mental health support.

Highest Honour / S.H.I.N.E. Africa Discipleship and Counselling

'Highest Honour' and 'S.H.I.N.E. Africa' desire to fill the current gap in training and materials that can bring deep heart-transforming biblical discipleship in African shame-oriented contexts.

Theological and Medical Training

Our aim is to complete the Bible translation and oral translation of Bible stories into the San language of !Xoon.

Remote Area Dweller Ministry

Our aim is to complete the Bible translation and oral translation of Bible stories into the San language of !Xoon.

Mobilisation and Evangelism

In order to take the message of Christ to the least-reached in Botswana and around the world, we are currently focusing on the mobilisation of local Christians for mission work, evangelism to Asian expatriate workers, and the establishment of a Christian resource centre.

Mobilisation for Christ's Global Mission

We want to mobilise more people, prayer, and funds for Christ’s global mission, especially to those who live and die without Christ in South Asia.

Radio Hope

Radio "Ondas de Esperanza" ("Radio Hope") proclaims the gospel in Ecuador through quality Christian radio programming.

Medical and Social Work

Le travail médical a très tôt accompagné les ministères de la SIM. Découvrez-en plus…

Well Drilling

Montrer le chemin de la Source d’eau vive en creusant des puits dans les villages du Burkina.

English training

Utiliser les cours d’anglais pour lire la Parole de Dieu

Development and relief

Témoigner de l’amour de Dieu aux personnes les plus marginalisées

Community Services

Équiper l’église aux services communautaires

Church Leadership Training

Train servant leaders who love the Lord Jesus and who are competent in various ministry skills.

For Freedom

Anti-trafficking and exploitation ministries.

Ingessena and Least Reached

Este ministerio procede de nuestra convicción de que nadie debería vivir y morir sin tener una oportunidad de oír, entender, y creer en el Evangelio. Nuestra meta es presentarles a Cristo a las personas.

Youth Workers Toolkit

El SIM Kenia está preparando un conjunto de libros de entrenamiento para equipar a los líderes juveniles a través de África Oriental para alcanzar a los jóvenes más efectivamente.

Sports Friends Kenya

Convinced that no one should live and die without hearing God’s good news, SIM Sports Friends Kenya are making disciples through sports.

Life Challenge Mission to Muslims

Life Challenge is uniquely focused and passionately committed to motivate, train and equip the Church to present the gospel to Muslims. Do you have a vision to equip the African church to reach Muslims for Christ?

Theological and Missional Education

We serve and equip churches for mission through theological and missiological education, working to see biblically grounded, spiritually mature church leaders equipping the Body of Christ to reach and disciple those living without Him.

Children's and Youth Ministry

The population of Botswana has a large proportion of young people, and there is great opportunity to reach them through sports ministry, schools work, early childhood development centres and mental health support.

Highest Honour / S.H.I.N.E. Africa Discipleship and Counselling

'Highest Honour' and 'S.H.I.N.E. Africa' desire to fill the current gap in training and materials that can bring deep heart-transforming biblical discipleship in African shame-oriented contexts.

Theological and Medical Training

Nuestra meta es completar la traducción bíblica y oral de las historias bíblicas al idioma San llamado !Xoon.

Remote Area Dweller Ministry

Nuestra meta es completar la traducción bíblica y oral de las historias bíblicas al idioma San llamado !Xoon.

Mobilisation and Evangelism

In order to take the message of Christ to the least-reached in Botswana and around the world, we are currently focusing on the mobilisation of local Christians for mission work, evangelism to Asian expatriate workers, and the establishment of a Christian resource centre.

Mobilisation for Christ's Global Mission

Queremos movilizar a más personas, oración, y fondos para la misión global de Cristo, especialmente donde viven y mueren sin Cristo en el sur de Asia.

Radio Hope

Radio Ondas de Esperanza proclama el Evangelio por medio de una programación de radio cristiana.

Medical and Social Work

Medical work has been part of SIM ministries since the beginning. Discover more about it...

Well Drilling

Showing the way to the Living Water by drilling wells in villages.

English training

Using English training to read the Word of God.

Development and relief

Showing God's love to marginalized populations.

Community Services

Equipping the Church for community services.

Church Leadership Training

Train servant leaders who love the Lord Jesus and who are competent in various ministry skills.

Communities where Christ is least known

Rural population of the southern province of Loja

We thank God for Church growth, as more urban churches in the city of Loja are planting churches in remote rural areas. Our strategy is to work alongside these churches to raise the number of believers in rural areas from the current 0.1 per cent.

Nearly all 300,000 living in rural communities remain in bondage to an animistic Catholicism that combines idolatry, shamans and superstitions. Town priests usually lead the opposition to gospel work, while families and communities persecute those searching for truth outside their traditional beliefs. Persecution varies but often includes public shaming, beatings from parents and disownment.

Leaders are being trained to share the gospel and testimonies of its impact on their lives. Still, there remains a great need for workers to continue church planting and to train leaders.

Vulnerable populations

Women and children are Ecuador’s most vulnerable people, and as such, face the highest risk of violence and abuse. A national survey reports that 60 per cent of women have experienced some form of violence, and three fourths of the time, this violence comes from family members or other people they know. Almost half of Ecuador’s children are regularly exposed to violent physical abuse at home.

Also, most of the one million Venezuelan immigrants who came to Ecuador in 2018 are now homeless and begging, without hope of finding work or housing. SIM’s compassion ministry is working to connect with these groups and other vulnerable people, such as those with disabilities, by offering trauma healing, a finance management course and other resources.



Pray for Radio Hope to receive government approval for its FM frequency and to broadcast gospel messages that would have an impact throughout the province.


Pray for Radio Hope to receive government approval for its FM frequency and to broadcast gospel messages that would have an impact throughout the province.


Pray for our compassion ministry to effectively open doors to new communities through tangible expressions of Christ’s love.


Pray for our compassion ministry to effectively open doors to new communities through tangible expressions of Christ’s love.


Pray for our equipping leadership ministries to develop stable, maturing leaders, especially in rural communities, through training programmes and ongoing discipleship.


Pray for our equipping leadership ministries to develop stable, maturing leaders, especially in rural communities, through training programmes and ongoing discipleship.


Pray for more teachers for our MK study centre.


Pray for more teachers for our MK study centre.

SIM Asset Publisher Portlet

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Related stories

Missional fair-trade shop opens in US

While many businesses have been disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic, an SIM missional business that partners with Latin American artisans has opened a fair-trade shop in the US.

Maria grows with First Fruits

After losing her job during the pandemic, Tanya connected with an SIM-partnered church plant in Loja, Ecuador, and saw her family become united in Bible study. Read her testimony.

From affected to involved to infected

Julieta Murillo, director of SIM Latin America, contracted COVID-19, suffered, and recovered with the Lord's help. Read her account.

God’s Word united my family

After losing her job during the pandemic, Tanya connected with an SIM-partnered church plant in Loja, Ecuador, and saw her family become united in Bible study. Read her testimony.

Fighting for purity

There is a rising challenge to fight for Christ-like purity and resist sexual sin. Read about how SIM Ecuador has formed accountability groups to support young people as they strive in holiness.

The Story of Hope brings joy to rural Ecuador

Through the many stories in the Bible we see God at work and his plan of salvation through Jesus Christ unfolding across its pages.

The need for discipleship

Discipleship is vital for new believers and their personal growth in Christ. A missionary shares her experience.

The broadcast that dries Anibals tears

Finding himself downcast after a failed marriage, Anibal was touched by Radio Hope's messages.

Teachers: Affecting eternity, one student at a time

The education of missionary children is one of the greatest factors affecting a missionary’s duration, location and effectiveness. Read more about how teachers make it possible for missionary parents to stay on the field.

Small town, big changes

The harvest is ripe in the rural area of Loja province. Read more about a couple in a small village finding freedom in Christ and about the challenges they face in their community.

Multiplying help for the brokenhearted

God wants to heal the brokenhearted. Read more about the local facilitators who were trained to support wounded people and to teach others with the "Healing the Wounds of Trauma" programme.

Latinos reaching Latinos: God at work in rural Ecuador

Martha was always full of questions. From the first time she attended the Bible study, her desire to know more was evident.

Jairo asks God to use him

Jairo, like many young Jesus followers, encountered struggles. Find out how he persevered and offered his life in service to Christ.

In the shadow of the Virgin Marys village, God builds new friendships

Building relationships in a religious community of Loja Province of Ecuador can be challenging, but God connects His workers with those He is seeking out!

High-impact connections: Reaching university students for Christ

Universities are places where the faith of Christians is put to the test. Christian students need to know they are not alone and how to share the gospel with their classmates.

God listens: Reed & the Ecuadorian Deaf community

Reed encountered the Deaf in Ecuador. What he found was astonishing — and calls for Jesus followers to serve this isolated group.

Go and preach: Kaisas call

Latinos for global missions! Read about a young Ecuadorian impacted by God, ministering to students of his home country, and preparing for missions.

Equipped and edified

Daniel started this course for young leaders with little expectations. But, on top of the ministry focused training, it turned out to be a life-changing personal experience.

Ecuador earthquake disaster relief: One month later

God is at work, even through the aftermath of the destructive 7.8 magnitude earthquake that struck coastal Ecuador on April 16.

Ecuador and Ghana: Cross-cultural friendship produces a great harvest

Thomas responded to his missionary call after meeting an Ecuadorian mission team whose presence in Ghana spoke to him deeply — and they challenged him to go where Christ has not been known.

Delivered from overdose by Jesus

Edgar considered Jesus and spent time with Christians, but he also experimented with drugs. Soon, he feared for his life.

Called back home

Servio and his family obeyed when God sent them home to plant a church in the remote Loja province.

From H1N1 to COVID-19: Rachel finds purpose in suffering

In light of the current pandemic, Rachel reflects on her younger brother's passing due to the H1N1 pandemic of 2009. Watch the video to find out how suffering drew her close to Christ.

Loja church supports struggling members during COVID-19

A local church in Ecuador has been supporting struggling members during the pandemic. Read how financial aid through SIM allowed the church to extend more resources to families.

After the earthquake, God brings healing

One year after a devastating 6.0 magnitude earthquake hit the coast of Ecuador, people are still rebuilding their homes. But deep emotional wounds still remain. SIM Ecuador is focusing on trauma healing in our continuing relief efforts to the disaster-ravaged region.

A radio programme changed my life

"Waves of Hope" radio ministry makes a difference to many people in Loja, Ecuador. Read why we want to expand this radio ministry and about Klever's story.

A ceramic community and Gods perfect providence

Cera is a small ceramic community in the rural area of Loja Province. Read more about how God brought the Barbee family there to launch a missional business with a small group of believers who are eager to make an impact in their own community.

Related stories

Missional fair-trade shop opens in US

Mientras que muchos negocios han sido afectados por la pandemia de COVID-19, un negocio como misión de SIM que se asocia con artesanos latinoamericanos, ha abierto una tienda de comercio justo en los Estados Unidos.

Maria grows with First Fruits

María y su hermana Anita son ahora participantes del proyecto Huerto Familiar Primeros Frutos de SIM en Ecuador.

From affected to involved to infected

Julieta Murillo, director of SIM Latin America, contracted COVID-19, suffered, and recovered with the Lord's help. Read her account.

God’s Word united my family

Durante casi ocho años trabajé en una empresa gubernamental en Ecuador. Pensé que trabajaría allí hasta la jubilación, pero luego llegó la pandemia de COVID-19.

Fighting for purity

Por muchos años, Dios ha estado tocando los corazones de miembros del equipo de SIM Ecuador para que entren en el campo de batalla de personas que luchan contra la adicción a la pornografía y el pecado sexual. La pandemia de COVID-19 en Ecuador trajo un confinamento completo y con ello vino una urgencia aún mayor para la redención de Dios en esta área.

The Story of Hope brings joy to rural Ecuador

La Biblia es la palabra de Dios, y quizás también podríamos llamarla el libro de la Esperanza. Podemos ver a Dios obrando, y Su plan de salvación a través de Jesús desenvolverse a lo largo de sus páginas. Esto es lo que muchos cristianos han entendido en un pueblo rural de la provincia de Loja. Continúa leyendo para conocer un testimonio del poder de la palabra de Dios en los corazones de Su pueblo, equipándoles para compartir mejor sobre la esperanza que hay en ellos.

The need for discipleship

El discipulado es esencial para los nuevos creyentes y su crecimiento personal en Cristo. Una misionera comparte su experiencia.

The broadcast that dries Anibals tears

Al encontrarse deprimido por problemas matrimoniales, Aníbal fue tocado por mensajes de la Radio “Ondas de Esperanza.”

Teachers: Affecting eternity, one student at a time

La educación de los hijos de misioneros es uno de los factores más importantes que afecta la duración, ubicación y estrategia de un misionero en el campo ministerial. Lea cómo los maestros hacen posible que los padres misioneros permanezcan en el campo para seguir promoviendo el Reino de Dios.

Small town, big changes

La cosecha está lista en el área rural de la provincia de Loja. Lea más sobre una pareja en un pueblo pequeño que encuentra libertad en Cristo y sobre los desafíos que enfrentan en su comunidad.

Multiplying help for the brokenhearted

God wants to heal the brokenhearted. Read more about the local facilitators who were trained to support wounded people and to teach others with the "Healing the Wounds of Trauma" programme.

Latinos reaching Latinos: God at work in rural Ecuador

Martha was always full of questions. From the first time she attended the Bible study, her desire to know more was evident.

Jairo asks God to use him

Jairo, como muchos jóvenes seguidores de Jesús, tuvo muchas pruebas. Descubra cómo se mantuvo firme y ofreció su vida al servicio de Cristo.

In the shadow of the Virgin Marys village, God builds new friendships

Formando relaciones en una comunidad religiosa de la provincia de Loja puede ser un reto. ¡Pero Dios conecta Su pueblo con aquellos que Él está buscando!

High-impact connections: Reaching university students for Christ

Las universidades son lugares donde la fe de los cristianos es puesta a prueba. Necesitan ánimo para saber que no están solos como creyentes y que pueden compartir el Evangelio con sus compañeros de clase. Lea más sobre el impacto que el ministerio juvenil tiene en las universidades de Loja.

God listens: Reed & the Ecuadorian Deaf community

Reed encountered the Deaf in Ecuador. What he found was astonishing — and calls for Jesus followers to serve this isolated group.

Go and preach: Kaisas call

Latinos para misiones globales! Lea acerca de un joven ecuatoriano impactado por Dios, ministrando a los estudiantes de su país de origen y preparándose para las misiones.

Equipped and edified

Daniel started this course for young leaders with little expectations. But, on top of the ministry focused training, it turned out to be a life-changing personal experience.

Ecuador earthquake disaster relief: One month later

God is at work, even through the aftermath of the destructive 7.8 magnitude earthquake that struck coastal Ecuador on April 16.

Ecuador and Ghana: Cross-cultural friendship produces a great harvest

Thomas respondió al llamado misionero por un equipo de ecuatorianos que eran un testimonio de que aún ellos podían ir a otro lugar donde Cristo no ha sido conocido.

Delivered from overdose by Jesus

Edgar considered Jesus and spent time with Christians, but he also experimented with drugs. Soon, he feared for his life.

Called back home

Servio y su familia obedecieron cuando Dios los envió a su pueblo natal para plantar una iglesia en la provincia de Loja.

From H1N1 to COVID-19: Rachel finds purpose in suffering

In light of the current pandemic, Rachel reflects on her younger brother's passing due to the H1N1 pandemic of 2009. Watch the video to find out how suffering drew her close to Christ.

Loja church supports struggling members during COVID-19

La Iglesia Cristiana “Salvos por Gracia,” una iglesia en Loja, Ecuador, que trabaja en estrecha colaboración con SIM, ha estado apoyando a personas con dificultades durante la crisis de COVID-19. La ayuda financiera a través de SIM permitió a la iglesia extender más recursos a las familias.

After the earthquake, God brings healing

Un año después del terremoto devastador en Ecuador, las casas todavía están siendo reconstruidas. Pero aún quedan heridas profundas por el trauma. Por eso SIM Ecuador se está enfocando en la terapia de trauma en los continuos esfuerzos de ayuda.

A radio programme changed my life

El ministerio radial tiene un impacto en muchas vidas en Loja. Lea más cómo una vida común ha sido movida y por cuál razón luchamos para extender la cobertura de la radio.

A ceramic community and Gods perfect providence

Cera is a small ceramic community in the rural area of Loja Province. Read more about how God brought the Barbee family there to launch a missional business with a small group of believers who are eager to make an impact in their own community.