Central Asia

Convinced that no one should live and die without hearing God's good news, we believe that he has called us to make disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ in communities where he is least known. This compels us to work until the good news of Jesus Christ has been proclaimed everywhere, from the quickly-developing city to the remote mountain village.
We have adopted a dynamic and flexible approach that mobilises workers to support local churches and work alongside like-minded organisations, to further God’s work that is already happening.
We are committed to sending long-term workers who are invested in language acquisition and developing lasting relationships. One of our top priorities is cultivating humility among our team members so they can sensitively serve alongside local believers. Lastly, it is our vision to send workers to Central Asia, especially to the remote and isolated villages in the harsh desert and mountain climates, so that all people might hear the gospel.
About Central Asia
Central Asia is home to nearly 73 million people, most of whom do not know the Saviour. Within Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan are dozens of unreached people groups where less than 0.5 per cent of the population know the Lord. In the midst of hardships and trials, God has begun to stir the hearts of Central Asian people, breathing a young but vibrant indigenous church into existence. The Central Asian believers desperately need workers to come alongside to reach those who have not heard the gospel – from the majority religion scholars to the travelling urban merchants to the rural farmers high in the Pamir mountains.
Christ’s words ring clearly: “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore beseech the Lord of the harvest to send out labourers into His harvest” (Luke 10:2). The fields are ready in this beautiful, diverse, and welcoming region. Join us in praying that God would raise up workers to make Jesus Christ known there. Ask him if you could be used to build his kingdom in Central Asia, and contact us today to learn more.
Cultural landscape
Central Asia is home to a wide diversity of cultures and lifestyles. Fast-growing cities are filled with high rise apartments, luxurious shopping malls, expanding universities, and bustling tourist attractions. Outside these cities, smaller rural towns depend on farming and raising animals for their livelihood. Farther still, in the deserts and high mountains, nomadic shepherds follow ancient migration routes, sheltering in portable tents, called “yurts." Uniting these vastly different experiences is a strong culture of hospitality. Travellers are often readily invited into homes and given delicious meat kebabs, called “shashlik” and traditional rice and meat dishes, such as “plov.”
The physical landscape of Central Asia provides a vivid reminder of the deep historical heritage in this region. Prehistorical petroglyphs in Tamgaly, Kazakhstan preserve the memory of the ancient peoples that have travelled these lands for millennia. Historical sites in Bukhara and Samarkand in Uzbekistan celebrate the cities as important stops along the Silk Road. Central Asian people are proud of their rich heritage and maintain strong connections to their history.
Religious landscape
The disintegration of the Soviet Union opened new opportunities for ministry in Central Asia. However, like an untilled field, the region had little exposure to the gospel and had deep-rooted barriers to Christianity. The former Soviet Central Asian states are experiencing post-colonial life, seeking to rediscover authentic ethnic, cultural, and religious identities through historical revitalisation.
Despite multi-layered barriers, God has made a way for the gospel. Amazingly, each country has received the Word of God in their mother tongue. New indigenous congregations have been established, blossoming in the face of opposition. The Holy Spirit is working powerfully in the region to raise up the next generation of workers. New Central Asian believers are themselves being sent out, taking the gospel locally and globally. With such a ripe harvest, God is calling servants from all nations to partner with God’s work through this growing, vibrant member of the Kingdom.

Central Asia
Convinced that no one should live and die without hearing God's good news, we believe that he has called us to make disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ in communities where he is least known. This compels us to work until the good news of Jesus Christ has been proclaimed everywhere, from the quickly-developing city to the remote mountain village.
We have adopted a dynamic and flexible approach that mobilises workers to support local churches and work alongside like-minded organisations, to further God’s work that is already happening.
We are committed to sending long-term workers who are invested in language acquisition and developing lasting relationships. One of our top priorities is cultivating humility among our team members so they can sensitively serve alongside local believers. Lastly, it is our vision to send workers to Central Asia, especially to the remote and isolated villages in the harsh desert and mountain climates, so that all people might hear the gospel.
About Central Asia
Central Asia is home to nearly 73 million people, most of whom do not know the Saviour. Within Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan are dozens of unreached people groups where less than 0.5 per cent of the population know the Lord. In the midst of hardships and trials, God has begun to stir the hearts of Central Asian people, breathing a young but vibrant indigenous church into existence. The Central Asian believers desperately need workers to come alongside to reach those who have not heard the gospel – from the majority religion scholars to the travelling urban merchants to the rural farmers high in the Pamir mountains.
Christ’s words ring clearly: “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore beseech the Lord of the harvest to send out labourers into His harvest” (Luke 10:2). The fields are ready in this beautiful, diverse, and welcoming region. Join us in praying that God would raise up workers to make Jesus Christ known there. Ask him if you could be used to build his kingdom in Central Asia, and contact us today to learn more.
Cultural landscape
Central Asia is home to a wide diversity of cultures and lifestyles. Fast-growing cities are filled with high rise apartments, luxurious shopping malls, expanding universities, and bustling tourist attractions. Outside these cities, smaller rural towns depend on farming and raising animals for their livelihood. Farther still, in the deserts and high mountains, nomadic shepherds follow ancient migration routes, sheltering in portable tents, called “yurts." Uniting these vastly different experiences is a strong culture of hospitality. Travellers are often readily invited into homes and given delicious meat kebabs, called “shashlik” and traditional rice and meat dishes, such as “plov.”
The physical landscape of Central Asia provides a vivid reminder of the deep historical heritage in this region. Prehistorical petroglyphs in Tamgaly, Kazakhstan preserve the memory of the ancient peoples that have travelled these lands for millennia. Historical sites in Bukhara and Samarkand in Uzbekistan celebrate the cities as important stops along the Silk Road. Central Asian people are proud of their rich heritage and maintain strong connections to their history.
Religious landscape
The disintegration of the Soviet Union opened new opportunities for ministry in Central Asia. However, like an untilled field, the region had little exposure to the gospel and had deep-rooted barriers to Christianity. The former Soviet Central Asian states are experiencing post-colonial life, seeking to rediscover authentic ethnic, cultural, and religious identities through historical revitalisation.
Despite multi-layered barriers, God has made a way for the gospel. Amazingly, each country has received the Word of God in their mother tongue. New indigenous congregations have been established, blossoming in the face of opposition. The Holy Spirit is working powerfully in the region to raise up the next generation of workers. New Central Asian believers are themselves being sent out, taking the gospel locally and globally. With such a ripe harvest, God is calling servants from all nations to partner with God’s work through this growing, vibrant member of the Kingdom.
Communities where He is least known
There is a great need to pray for the major ethnic groups of Central Asia because there is very little Christian witness among them, but also smaller ethnic groups which could be forgotten or overlooked. Please consider joining us in prayer for the many peoples of Central Asia.
- Uzbeks
- Kazkhs
- Tajiks
- Kyrgyz
- Turkmens
- Russians
- Kyrgyz Pamirians
- Uyghurs in Central Asia
- Pamirians
- Karakalpaks
- Tatars
- Altais
- Bashkirs
- Chechens
- Luli
Pray to the Lord of Harvest to send workers to Central Asia who are humble, teachable and love God and people.
Pray for relationships with local leaders as we explore suitable opportunities to serve with them.
Pray for disciple-making efforts.
Pray that new believers grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord. Pray especially for those believers who live alone in communities holding to the majority religion without access to the church.
Pray that Central Asian Christians would continue to take the gospel to other parts of the world.
Pray for theological resources to become accessible to local leaders and congregations.