A young family is heading to Mali for the Faithful Witness initiative. Read on to find out about their preparation for the journey.
The West African Office, by faith, seeks to glorify God by partnering with churches and local mission agencies in West Africa to mobilise, train, and send missionaries to plant and reproduce culturally-relevant churches worldwide.
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Palabras de Esperanza
Equipando a pastores y líderes de iglesias locales para que sean fieles a la Palabra de Dios y al Evangelio.
SIM Trauma Healing is a church and community-based outreach that equips believers with integrated biblical and mental health principles to care for victims of trauma in their communities.
Our desire is to see the people of SIM South Africa growing in their love and knowledge of the Lord to passionately carry out God’s call to reach the lost.
This ministry is using the avenue of teaching English to students as a means to build relationships with them and share the gospel.
El centro de rescate persigue la recuperación en persona
Después de un año y medio de estrictas regulaciones por la pandemia y reuniones virtuales, Dios abrió la puerta para que el ministerio de “Sanar las heridas del corazón” nuevamente tuviera lugar en persona.
Los Hijos de Misioneros Crecen en Cristo Virtualmente
Los retos enfrentados con COVID-19 dieron lugar a la creación de un nuevo equipo de apoyo para los Hijos de Misioneros de SIM Ecuador.
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