West Malaysia

Our vision is to see God using SIM West Malaysia to proclaim Christ’s love in word and deed to address the need of many to be reconciled with God.

  • God’s love reaching the many migrants in West Malaysia.
  • God’s love reaching the many students in West Malaysia.
  • God using local churches to make disciples of our Lord Jesus in communities where He is least known, ministering at home, regionally and overseas.

West Malaysia

Our vision is to see God using SIM West Malaysia to proclaim Christ’s love in word and deed to address the need of many to be reconciled with God.

  • God’s love reaching the many migrants in West Malaysia.
  • God’s love reaching the many students in West Malaysia.
  • God using local churches to make disciples of our Lord Jesus in communities where He is least known, ministering at home, regionally and overseas.

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Communities where Christ is least known


The Malay of Peninsular Malaysia make up the majority of the Malay people in Malaysia, Brunei, and Singapore. They find much pride in their cultural heritage, place great emphasis on family and community dependence, and are seen in many levels of society. Urban Malay are well-educated and hold white-collar or government positions, while rural Malay may or may not pursue higher learning and typically occupy jobs such as farming, trading, and fishing.

Islam was brought to Malaysia by Arabic and Indian traders many centuries ago, and the Malay people have embraced and now ardently follow the Islamic faith. All Malay people are considered Islamic, although levels of devotion to the religion are varied; even those who nominally follow Islam participate in the fasting month.

The affluent Malay will go on the pilgrimage to Mecca at least once, if not several times, during their lifetime. A divergence from Islam is the prevalence of bomohs (folk religion shamans) in Malay spiritual life. Although Islam forbids the use of such a person, many Malay of Peninsular Malaysia will seek the services of a bomoh in order to receive a blessing or a cure, or in order to curse someone or inflict revenge.

Pray that the true Lord of Lords, Jesus Christ, may be revealed to the Malay people. Pray that the Word of God might transform the hearts and minds of the Malay people that they may be reconciled with God.



Pray for new missionaries to serve among the majority Bahasa-speaking people group, as well as in migrant ministry and student ministry.


Pray for new missionaries to serve among the majority Bahasa-speaking people group, as well as in migrant ministry and student ministry.


Pray for cultural understanding in working with both Malaysians and with our new mission family.


Pray for cultural understanding in working with both Malaysians and with our new mission family.


Pray for wisdom and grace as we begin ministry in this new context.


Pray for wisdom and grace as we begin ministry in this new context.


Pray for partners in ministry with whom we can effectively serve to build the Church.


Pray for partners in ministry with whom we can effectively serve to build the Church.


Pray for God to raise up effective new leaders who will guide the team with godly wisdom.


Pray for God to raise up effective new leaders who will guide the team with godly wisdom.

SIM Asset Publisher Portlet

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