
By faith, we see the unreached of Thailand authentically responding to the gospel and being discipled into biblically-based, community-transforming churches that engage in mission. Our mission is to make disciples where He is not yet known.

By faith, we see the unreached of Thailand authentically responding to the gospel and being discipled into biblically-based, community-transforming churches that engage in mission. Our mission is to make disciples where He is not yet known.
Come and Serve

University Ministry
This ministry seeks to reach out to the 2.5 million university students enrolled in 170 universities in Thailand.

Missionary Kid Education
We need multiple solutions for schooling. These include home schooling, home school cooperatives, boarding, supporting MK schools, scholarships for those from new sending contexts, and more.
Communities where Christ is least known
The Central Thai
There are very few Christians (0.25%) among the Thai who live in the central plain region, which includes the capital city of Bangkok. Many districts and sub-districts in this region have no known Christians and no Christian workers. SIM is recruiting multi-skilled church planting teams to bring the gospel to this significant group of people in Thailand.
University Students
There 2.5 million students at 170 universities in Thailand. Many of these come from areas where the gospel has never been preached. University is often a time of self-exploration and considering new ideas, which creates a great opportunity to introduce students to Christ. Most of Thailand’s universities have no Christian work happening amongst students. Opportunities exist from opening new campuses to joining existing campus work. Teaching English is a large and strategic opportunity, because the new Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) community has chosen English as its medium for communication. Students know that their career success will be dependent on their ability to speak English. They desire to learn from first-language English speakers. Our desire is to have workers who are committed to building relationships with Thai university students, evangelising and making disciples of new believers.
Pray for God to raise up workers to build multi-skilled church planting teams in the least reached parts of Thailand. Pray that God will break down spiritual strongholds of resistance to the gospel in these areas.
Pray for God to raise up workers to build multi-skilled church planting teams in the least reached parts of Thailand. Pray that God will break down spiritual strongholds of resistance to the gospel in these areas.
Pray for God to provide workers with a passion to work among university students.
Pray for God to provide workers with a passion to work among university students.
Pray for high levels of fluency in Thai and deep cultural understanding for all workers serving in Thailand.
Pray for high levels of fluency in Thai and deep cultural understanding for all workers serving in Thailand.