Support Beirut during crisis aftermath

Middle East

Damage of Beirut port (Aug. 2020).

The massive explosion at Beirut’s port on 4 August has brought fresh devastation to the people of Lebanon. Currently, the death toll is over 200 with some still missing. Thousands have been injured and hundreds of thousands have been left homeless, at least temporarily.

With the country already gripped by economic, financial and political crises, exacerbated by COVID-19, this latest tragedy could not have come at a worse time. Following nearly a week of public demonstrations, Lebanon’s entire government resigned on 10th August. In this tragic, uncertain and dangerous context, the characteristic Lebanese resilience and community spirit has been evident, with many joining the massive clean-up operation and providing what support they can to the desperate and hurting.

Lebanese churches, including our ministry partners, are playing a vital part. They are holding out the love and hope of Christ as they respond to the overwhelming practical needs in their wider communities and in their own church families. Beyond the huge repair needs of broken buildings, shattered lives need rebuilding – on the rock of Christ.



Damage after Beirut port's explosion on 4th August 2020.

Our partners are grateful for all who are standing with them in prayer at this time. They ask us to join them in praying for:

• the Lord to bring healing, mercy and restoration to the country of Lebanon.

• the bereaved, injured, traumatised and homeless. Pray that their practical needs will be met and that they will find comfort, healing and hope in Christ.

• the healthcare sector, which is already under immense strain because of the COVID-19 pandemic, and all others involved in ongoing rescue and clean-up operations.

• economic provision as livelihoods have been shattered – the port, now destroyed, was crucial for the already battered economy, leading to new fears of food and medicine shortages.

• for a political reform process that will restore confidence and stability, establish accountable and transparent governance for the benefit of the peoples of Lebanon, and promote reconciliation, justice and peace.

• the church as it reaches out with Christ’s compassion and hope – that it would speak differently, not along sectarian lines nor appealing to revenge, but holding out the Word of Life.


Our ministry partners have significant financial support needs – both for their compassionate programmes as they reach out to others and for the repair of damaged facilities as they restore ministry capacity. For those able to prayerfully consider a gift, we recommend the following evangelical ministries with whom we partner:

Lebanese Society for Educational and Social Development

LSESD seeks to reflect the love of Christ through inclusive education, relief and development, and equipping the church. They are currently providing food aid and other basic needs, including shelter for displaced families at the Baptist seminary. They are also making urgent repairs to the Beirut Baptist School, ahead of the new school year, and to a Christian bookshop.


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Heart for Lebanon

Working among refugee communities for many years, Heart for Lebanon works to move people from despair to hope in Jesus Christ. They said: “We ask that you partner with us to help bring relief and hope to those who have been affected by the explosion. Your partnership helps provide food, hygiene items, security, life-sustaining essentials, and COVID-19 protection.”




Resurrection Church Beirut

RCB seeks to make disciples for Jesus Christ through a range of outreach and compassionate initiatives. They are seeking funds to enable them to renovate houses that have been damaged, provide for those needing surgery or other hospital treatment, and to care for those who have been displaced.


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Lebanon Evangelical School for Boys and Girls

As a large evangelical school in Beirut, they are seeking funds to ensure ministry continuity and development at a time of huge financial need, exacerbated by COVID-19 and by the recent explosion. They’re seeking to develop their online teaching resources and their IT infrastructure. They’re appealing for loans as well as for gifts, as their reserves are inaccessible because of banking controls.




This Is Lebanon

Serving foreign domestic workers, This Is Lebanon brings Christ’s hope to some of the most marginalised, vulnerable and abused in Lebanon through practical support, legal advocacy and raising public awareness.





This leading regional Christian satellite TV broadcaster is responding to the disaster through special programmes to complement the work of humanitarian agencies and local churches. They appeal for gifts to support their team on the ground as they make repairs to their Beirut studio and continue to produce and broadcast programmes directly in response to the crisis and support to their viewers.


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