Retiree starts quail hatchery for the glory of Jesus

By Brian Yung (video and intro) and Tianna Haas (remaining words) | South Asia


Retiree and SIM member Khan* has built his own incubator from scratch, partnering with a local pastor to start a quail hatchery ministry in South Asia.

Khan said: “I asked God to open the door for me to serve here, to use whatever talent that God has given me. And God answered my prayers. And I ended up focusing very clearly on a hatchery business to help the farmers here.

“So that’s how I developed the first incubator to hatch eggs. And from there, I worked together with one of the local church pastors to start a small hatchery business. Whatever we do, if we can bless others through the work that we are doing, then we should do it.”

The hatchery allows local farmers, many of whom are in Khan’s congregation, to develop a new revenue stream. This missional business framework combines the calling to steward creation, to actively look after brothers and sisters as the early church did, and to glorify God in “whatever you do” (1 Corinthians 10:31).

Khan said: “We can help those that we are in contact with, especially some of the church members who are farmers. One of the sisters is a house church leader, and she used to grow vegetables only. When I had my first batch of chicks, I gave it to her to bless her. She’s able to harvest eggs for hatching now. And I hope that she can earn a better income from rearing poultry than just doing vegetable farming.”

Hatcheries, especially quail hatcheries, involve a steep learning curve, and Khan has passed his knowledge on to others as a patient mentor.

He said: “In the hatchery business, there is a lot of training to be done. You need to teach them about the science of hatching. And after they are hatched, how do you take care of the quail chicks? Baby quails are difficult to take care of. And we not only teach them how to hatch, we also teach them how to rear the small little chicks after hatching. So that they will not die, and the survival rate will be good.”

The life cycle of quails is a wonder to watch and participate in, pointing caretakers to the Creator. Khan said: “It’s a miracle that an egg is transformed to a chick in over 21 days. And that gives me a lot of inspiration to pursue and do it well. And whatever we do, if people see that God is working in us, through us, God is glorified and our purpose here is fulfilled.”

In this region, farming opens opportunities for conversation about restoration in Christ. The commonality of occupation gives level footing on which to launch friendships and continue ministry.

Khan said: “I feel very much at home here with the people. If I can do something to make an impact in the society or the people here, and also to be able to use this project as a tool, as a bridge, to reach out to the unreached people groups in the mountains, in the villages. You can definitely make an impact in your relationship, build a relationship, good relationship with the communities who are mostly actually farmers.”

"I don’t want to be the one with the one talent who buried the talent under the soil. I just want to go out and multiply this talent and invest it, and it grows and bears fruit for the Lord."


Khan’s perseverance in missions attests to the fact that any person with any skill at any stage in life can serve the kingdom of God. He said: “I’ve been blessed. My children are grown up; I’m retired. I have still got knowledge left in me, even at my age, which will be useless if I don’t share it. If I keep it. I don’t want to be the one with the one talent who buried the talent under the soil. I just want to go out and multiply this talent and invest it, and it grows and bears fruit for the Lord. One day when he sees us, he’ll say, you know, ‘Good and faithful servant,’ I’d like to be that servant.”

God calls each of his children to invest their skills, time and effort in the body of Christ and in the world. Will you dedicate your knowledge and passions to Christ? Contact us today to find out how you can join SIM as we seek to make the gospel known throughout the world, using an array of talents, crafts and interests.

Pray for:

Khan to bless the local church and the lost with his quail hatchery.

The local pastor with which Khan works to shepherd his church and teach them to honor God’s Word.

Those learning the intricacies of raising chicks to also share the love of Christ with their neighbours.

*Name changed.

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