Mabaan Old Testament complete after 20 years

Sudan and South Sudan in East Africa

Through the faithful work of South Sudanese scholars the Old Testament is at last in the Mabaan language. For 20 years a pastor from the Mabaan community has worked diligently to translate the Old Testament into the Mabaan language, joining the previously translated New Testament. SIM is a proud partner with the Mabaan church, to help print and ship complete Bibles to Mabaan County for the first time ever.

In conjunction with the Old Testament completion, the translation team desires to hold additional conferences in Doro to continue teaching pastors and church leaders how to study and share the Word of God, now reading it completely in their own language.

Each Bible costs approximately $12 for printing and shipping. The Doro Discipleship fund will help with these costs. The fund also purchases Bibles and church songbooks in other languages to the appropriate communities in the Doro area and beyond.

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