
Kayuparu is an Aymara phrase that can be translated “at their feet,” or “at His feet.” As representatives of the One who took the form of a servant and stooped to wash feet, we take that incarnational love to “the least of these,” who sit at people’s feet all day long shining shoes on the streets of La Paz. We do this that we might serve them and bring them to the feet of Jesus as willing learners, humble servants and heartfelt worshippers.

The vision of Kayuparu is to plant a church that disciples shoe shiners to Jesus, and then courageously sends them back out into the world. Kayuparu has been evangelising, discipling, equipping, and mobilising the marginalised shoe shiners of La Paz since 2005. We’ve done this through sport, backpacking, Bible studies, English clubs, and more. This is a segment of the population that is otherwise living and dying without the gospel.

The work is difficult, and our church planting team needs additional missionaries to evangelise, disciple, and equip leaders to establish a church that not only specialises in calling shoe shiners to follow the great commandment, but also mobilises them to fulfil the Great Commission.

Visit http://www.kayuparu.org

Come and Serve

Church planting team members needed
Bolivia, South America



Pray for courage and for local leaders to catch the vision for the ministry as they are trained and prepared to launch the church plant.



Pray for courage and for local leaders to catch the vision for the ministry as they are trained and prepared to launch the church plant.



Pray for the Holy Spirit's leading as they embark on launching the church plant to this people group in the next year.


Pray for the Holy Spirit's leading as they embark on launching the church plant to this people group in the next year.

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