Services communautaires

La SIM cherche à répondre aux besoins de la communauté pour pouvoir annoncer la Parole de Dieu. ODD (Organisation de Développement Durable) a commencé en 2012 pour équiper l’église à faire des services communautaires. 5 ans plus tard, le village dispose de l’eau courante; des réparations de route ont lieu avec l’aide des églises locales et des villageois, et une école agricole teste (entre autres !) de nouvelles méthodes de fertilisation de la terre, utilisant les ressources naturelles disponibles sur place.

Pour les anglophones, vous pouvez aller sur leur site

Pour soutenir ce ministère, faites un don au bureau SIM de votre pays et précisez : Projet Nr. 93 932

Come and Serve

Engineer/technical person to assist with the design, fabrication and testing of shallow well drilling equipment.  Assist with the setup of several well drilling teams.  Participate in fabrication and testing of Ag equipment, solar installation and other technical projects

Burkina Faso & Mali, West Africa
Agriculture technician: looking for someone to work with existing Open Door Development agriculture initiatives.  Can focus on areas of training or testing or design and fabrication of ag tools.
Burkina Faso & Mali, West Africa



Please pray for the Living Water shallow well drilling initiative.  ODD wants to take its experience over the last seven years with a single drilling team and expand to 30+ teams in the region.  Please pray for the advancement of the technical aspects of drilling and for good community partners.  Please pray that the Living Water Initiative will provide many opportunities to share the gospel across religious and cultural lines.


Please pray for the Living Water shallow well drilling initiative.  ODD wants to take its experience over the last seven years with a single drilling team and expand to 30+ teams in the region.  Please pray for the advancement of the technical aspects of drilling and for good community partners.  Please pray that the Living Water Initiative will provide many opportunities to share the gospel across religious and cultural lines.

SIM Asset Publisher Portlet

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SIM Asset Publisher Portlet

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Other Ministries from this Country

Church Leadership Training

Train servant leaders who love the Lord Jesus and who are competent in various ministry skills.

Church Leadership Training

Train servant leaders who love the Lord Jesus and who are competent in various ministry skills.