
By faith, we see the Church mobilised to disciple coastal people. SIM Tanzania’s motto is “the Coast for Christ, by the Church.”

By faith, we see the Church mobilised to disciple coastal people. SIM Tanzania’s motto is “the Coast for Christ, by the Church.”
Communities where Christ is least known
Those in mud houses
Mud houses are a common sight in southern Tanzania. In many of the villages where Christ is not known, the people are used to the constant maintenance that such houses require.
Paul’s words in 1 Corinthians 3:13–14 are: “Whatever we build on this foundation will be tested by fire… We will be rewarded if our building is left standing.” Without Christ, it will be impossible.
The Church is called to build. Together, let us build communities which will stand on the Day of Judgment. We build by witnessing, sharing from our own lives and giving of ourselves.
People in these communities go through the motions many times. They wake up, repair their fishing nets, go out on the fishing boat or dhow, and return with just enough to last the day. Help us by praying that they will want more — more of life and, ultimately, Life himself: Jesus Christ.
Pray for more people to hear the gospel of Christ and accept salvation.
Pray for more people to hear the gospel of Christ and accept salvation.
Pray for local churches to work together in unity to reach their neighbours who live and die without Christ.
Pray for local churches to work together in unity to reach their neighbours who live and die without Christ.
Pray for perseverance for leaders of newly-planted churches, as they struggle daily to sustain themselves and serve their churches.
Pray for perseverance for leaders of newly-planted churches, as they struggle daily to sustain themselves and serve their churches.
Pray for new believers to stand firm as they face challenges and discouragements.
Pray for new believers to stand firm as they face challenges and discouragements.
Pray for short-term volunteers to assist and encourage the teachers at the new Christian primary school.
Pray for short-term volunteers to assist and encourage the teachers at the new Christian primary school.
Pray for the possibility to start a youth centre where young people can be challenged and built into leaders.
Pray for the possibility to start a youth centre where young people can be challenged and built into leaders.