Radio is able to reach people with the gospel when they need it most, and often where no one else can get to them. Find out how God changed Rocio's life through Ecuador's Radio Hope.
SIM New Zealand desires to see many workers joining in what God is doing around the world, thriving and making a difference in communities where Christ is least known.
Motivated by Christ’s love, we strive to make disciples where Christ is not yet known. By faith we see those without Christ in Thailand authentically responding to the Gospel and being discipled into biblically-based, community-transforming churches that engage in mission.
By faith, we see vibrant, healthy, and reproducing churches, growing in communities where Christ is least known and crossing ethnicities, languages and hierarchy to worship Jesus together in Myanmar communities.
By faith we see Korean churches sending, networking, equipping, and supporting missionaries to fulfil Christ’s commission where Jesus Christ is least known so that people might find the living hope in Him, bring joy to God and glorify Him as part of the active and faithful Church around the world.
By faith, we see an established multi-ethnic team, vibrantly witnessing to the gospel through character, word, and action in Vietnamese communities where Christ is least known.
By grace and in dependence on God, we strive to facilitate more people, prayer, and funds for Christ’s global mission, especially making disciples of Christ where He is least known.
The vision of SIM Mongolia is to glorify God by reaching the people of Mongolia with the Gospel and making disciples in the Mongolian churches, so they become mature, evangelistic, and engaged in missions.
Contenido web
Radio Ondas de Esperanza proclama el Evangelio por medio de una programación de radio cristiana.
The massive explosion at Beirut’s port on 4 August has brought fresh devastation to the people of Lebanon. Find out how to help the immediate needs.
Hilary, serving as a teacher in Namibia, is adjusting to an online classroom of 27 six-year-olds due to the pandemic lockdown. Find out how her ministry continues with some stark changes.
Read how God surprised leadership coach Mariah* during the pandemic, allowing her to connect with and train people from all over the world.
New relationships surprise an anonymous central Asia SIM worker.
Missional business creates avenues for work and relationships to people in need
There are few Christians in North Africa. They need brothers and sisters to come and stand with them. Read how Sub-Saharan Christians are indeed hearing the call from the North, “Come over and help us!” and are responding.
Language and culture education business creates employment and ministry opportunities.
SIM values all stages of life, and singleness is no exception. Find out about the unique needs and experiences of this group from SIM member Nancy.
While many young people in their 20s move to new cities for their jobs, Will* has moved to a new continent. He is preparing to serve God in the Middle East.
How have churches adjusted now that the coronavirus has prevented group meetings? Read on to find out how church fellowship has changed.
God can use a single camper to transform an entire village for His fame — we've witnessed it.
Imagine you were one of the only believers among your people. Your friends, neighbors and loved ones knew nothing of the forgiveness, salvation and beautiful promises of Jesus. How would you feel? This is the reality for Oumar*, a Hassaniya brother in Christ from Mali whose prayers have gone before the Lord for his people for many years.
In the midst of the COVID-19 crisis, SIM’s medical ministry network is equipping hospitals and healthcare workers around the world for what lies ahead. Can you help?
Enock faithfully served God despite being ambushed and injured.
In the midst of a harsh childhood, Regie Wang encountered God's love – now she inspires the Church to do missions.
Many people use Google to find answers to everyday questions or even to make major decisions. An internet search can also lead people into cross-cultural ministry.
SIM has taken urgent steps to help our workers and the communities they serve respond appropriately to the growing spread of COVID-19 through the coronavirus.
Are you looking for gifts that support missions? Check out our five ideas for missional-minded Christmas shopping.
SIM’s Hope for Life ministry just launched a new website – Check it out to see how they're ministering to HIV-affected communities.
God guided SIM worker Angelica to a conversation about the stars with one Muslim colleague, so she could speak about the Christ Child and those who came to worship him through a star sighting.
SIM International Director Dr Joshua Bogunjoko addressed the reality of racism as abuse in an interview with long-time friend and Prairie College President Mark Maxwell. Watch their conversation now.
Through an incredible encounter of God’s power, Mustafa became a believer — but his friend Nabi made plans to kill him.
Jesus’ gracious gift of salvation inspires many people to charitable acts, especially during the holidays. But would you let someone you don’t know cut your hair? Or be prepared to give a haircut to a trusting soul?
A church plant has grown from SIM South Africa’s distribution of food parcels, Christian literature and sanitary supplies to widows, abused women and orphans during the COVID-19 lockdown.
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