Heaven through her computer screen

international in

During this challenging season, God has surprised Mariah*, a leadership coach and SIM member. Before the pandemic, she was coaching people in her host country in Asia, but now she is coaching people from all over the world!

Recently, one of her training programmes went online when they couldn’t meet face to face, and 23 people from 11 different countries gathered. Mariah has been coaching leaders for more than 10 years and has seen God show up in the lives of people in her adopted country.

She said, “Although, I miss meeting people face to face, lives are still being impacted and God is still using his people to build the kingdom.”

Online trainings can be challenging, but it’s also meant that a diverse group of God’s leaders can gather from around the globe to learn from each other, practice between sessions and debrief well together.

According to Mariah, it’s been a little taste of heaven, witnessing God at work through her computer screen to help and strengthen his global leaders in these difficult times.

Pray for:

• Mariah as she connects with and equips leaders. Pray she models Christ, the ultimate leader.

• The leaders she’s training. Pray they rely on the Lord as they guide others during the current crises.

• Pray for our team in Asia, as they faithfully share news of salvation with their communities.

*Names changed.

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