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Opportunities Search

Equipping the SIM Team and Partners

Serve to the best of our God-given abilities in administration and leadership, enabling our team to focus on their ministries; supporting others to allow them to serve in their respective giftings.

Angola, Southern Africa

Short term (less than 1 year)

Outreach to marginalised patients in partnership with CEML, Rio da Huila

We serve the local community through high-quality medical care and teaching, which is how we reach impoverished and marginalised people with Christ-like compassion. In doing so, we strive to use the skills and talents of our staff to demonstrate the love of Christ to every person. Could you become part of this team? We need medics of all types, administrators and chaplains to join us.

Angola, Southern Africa

Long term (+2 years)

Outreach to Cavango Clinic Village

This ministry is an outreach in partnership with the UIEA mission hospital of Cavango, in order to provide primary care to the remote and rural areas of this country with over 40 languages and a large rural population. We are targeting rural people groups who lack access to medical care and the good news of Jesus' affection for them. We serve the rural people in the remote area of the Cavango region. We are looking for medics in all specialities, but especially family doctors or general practitioners.

Angola, Southern Africa

Long term (+2 years)

Nhaneka Outreach

To provide agricultural and vocational training for young people, enabling them to become productive members of society and leaders in their local churches, and to reach the Nhaneka people with the gospel of Jesus Christ and establish among them a growing, maturing church. This ministry also includes Community Health initiatives through the Rio da Huila clinic and Tchincombe farm clinic, Farming God’s Way training, primary education through the Tchincombe school and Community Health Evangelism. We would welcome personnel in all of those ministries, so if you have gifts or experience of farming, teaching, health education or administration please get in touch.

Angola, Southern Africa

Long term (+2 years)

Inundo Development (Agricultural Ministry)

Not Available

South Africa, Southern Africa

Long term (+2 years)

Formal and Non-Formal Theological Education

Could you help train pastors and other church leaders to give them a sound understanding of Biblical truth? There are many churches and congregations with pastors, lay preachers and church workers who have not had the opportunity and privilege of either studying at a Bible College or undertaking a distance-learning course. Biblically-based theological and leadership training is therefore a priority area for strengthening the church across South Africa. The ministry seeks to serve men and women in leadership roles within evangelical churches in South Africa, including pastors and people leading ministries within a church, with the objective of strengthening church leadership and equipping leaders to train others through what they have learned.

South Africa, Southern Africa

Mid term (1 to 2 years)

Leadership and Support Services

To ensure that SIM South Africa policies and processes provide for supportive services for workers in South Africa and workers sent from South Africa, services that are undergirded by the principles of accuracy, accountability, efficiency and integrity.

South Africa, Southern Africa

Any duration

Desarrollo de Líderes

Una experiencia de tutoría de liderazgo de 2 años basada en el enfoque que SIM ha establecido se ofrece a una pequeña cohorte de pastores de alto impacto y líderes de la iglesia. Parejas de mentores cualificados y capaces con experiencia de vida en la región serán emparejados con estos líderes y sus cónyuges. Los componentes claves del ministerio de Desarrollo de Líderes Globales de SIM son fundamentales para este enfoque (Imágenes de Liderazgo, Mentores, Desarrollo Autodirigido y Aprendizaje en Comunidad).

Chile, South & Central America

Any duration

Word on the Street

You'll be working in a defined geographical area on the streets of Cape Town alongside the local church. The women we engage with are mixed races from three language groups and aged from 15 to 50. As we journey with them we are involved with their families (often children and sometimes extended family).

South Africa, Southern Africa

Any duration


We want to see an increasing number of churches equipped to train, send, and sustain ministry workers focused on making disciples of those living and dying without the gospel.

Chile, South & Central America

Long term (+2 years)

Entrusted: Disability & Mission

Our aim is to raise awareness of people with disability in the community and in the church. Moreover, it seeks to enable and equip local disability ministries within SIM, develop and provide theological education/training in disability theology and ministry, and support SIM entities (and/or mission organisations in general) in becoming “disability confident”. A key part of the ministry objectives will be to recruit a team passionate about seeing the vision of the ministry fulfilled

Global, Pacific Asia

Any duration

Theological Education

We partner with the church to teach in centres of theological education, and provide programmes such as TEE (Theological Education by Extension). We also empower students to participate in these programmes. Could you serve as a teacher in one of these ministries?

Peru, South & Central America

Long term (+2 years)