Motivated by Christ’s love, we strive to make disciples where Christ is not yet known. By faith we see those without Christ in Thailand authentically responding to the Gospel and being discipled into biblically-based, community-transforming churches that engage in mission.
By faith, we see vibrant, healthy, and reproducing churches, growing in communities where Christ is least known and crossing ethnicities, languages and hierarchy to worship Jesus together in Myanmar communities.
By faith we see Korean churches sending, networking, equipping, and supporting missionaries to fulfil Christ’s commission where Jesus Christ is least known so that people might find the living hope in Him, bring joy to God and glorify Him as part of the active and faithful Church around the world.
By faith, we see an established multi-ethnic team, vibrantly witnessing to the gospel through character, word, and action in Vietnamese communities where Christ is least known.
By grace and in dependence on God, we strive to facilitate more people, prayer, and funds for Christ’s global mission, especially making disciples of Christ where He is least known.
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