Traditionally, Prabhouti should have married years ago. Girls in her village are married early – sometimes as young as twelve years old – just like their mothers were before them.
When SIM workers Peter and Claire-Lise Judkins first arrived in Castres, in the south west of France, they quickly set to work to help a small church plant be more effective at disciple-making.
SIM France is called by God to mobilise Christians and churches for missions, training those called to serve, and supporting them through prayer and care. We rejoice each time the Lord entrusts someone to us.
Most Latino candidates have a passion to go to the least-reached areas of the world. We are convinced that Latin American missionaries will contribute to the completion of the Great Commission.
Nearly every Latino candidate I meet wants to work in the unreached places of the world and do some of the hardest work. God is raising up a new wave of missionaries in South America, and we are joyfully equipping them for service and sending them to these unreached areas.
Theological Education by Extension equips pastors with training on the road and in remote areas throughout South Sudan. Read how it's helped non-traditional students like Timothy overcome odds to learn how to handle scripture.
This ministry aims to engage Latin American churches to participate in Christ’s mission across cultures. The ministry partners and networks with churches and agencies to mobilise Latin American missionaries into crosscultural ministry to make Christ known and make disciples where he is not known.
Our goal is to take pastors, leaders of mission boards and missionary candidates for short-term exploratory trips to different countries where there is a great need for missionaries.
Mobilisation is not just about sending missionaries, but also about encouraging all the people of God to participate in the mission of God.
SIM Côte d’Ivoire glorifies God in working together as a family alongside the Body of Christ to reach least-reached people, make disciples of all nations and equip them to transform societies.
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