Alcanzar con el Evangelio y asistencia humanitaria a las perdonan que sobreviven a la infección HIV.
SIM health care ministries have been used around the globe to open doors to show God's love and to invite them into a relationship with him.
SIM Guinea envisions the peoples of upper Guinea getting the opportunity to hear the good news of Jesus with true understanding.
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The vision of SIM Ghana is to see a witness to Christ’s love where He is least known in Ghana, disciples of Jesus expressing God’s love in their communities and Christ-centred churches spreading the gospel in Ghana and beyond.
Because we are convinced that no one should live and die without hearing God’s good news, SIM Niger desires to be involved in evangelism and discipleship ministries in communities where He is least known.
We strive to expand the Church’s capacity to make disciples and multiply churches in communities where Christ is least known, so that the triune God alone may be genuinely worshipped by every person.
The vision of SIM Eritrea is to see the current generation of Tigrinya-speaking youth, Ethiopia and beyond reached through radio and other media.
Enseñar, discipular, modelar un fiel caminar cristiano para equipar a la iglesia para alcanzar a sus vecinos y a los menos alcanzados para Cristo.
Our aim is to provide culture and language learning in a relational mission environment, for equipping of candidates’ capacity and calling for gospel ministry in a cross-cultural context where Jesus is least known.
This ministry is using the avenue of teaching English to university students as a means to build relationships with them and share the gospel.
The Engage programme is a two year rolling programme (September-July) designed to resource churches and networks of churches in multi-cultural gospel mission locally, and support their sending of mature disciples into mission to the nations globally.
We offer vital support to SIM workers serving in East African Sending Office, Eritrea, Kenya, South Sudan, Sudan and Tanzania.
By faith we see East African mission-minded churches fully engaged in global outreach, sending their missionaries to join mission communities around the world. Our purpose is to serve East African churches as they participate in global missions.
With the great influx of immigrants and refugees into the US, many of which represent communities where Christ is least known, we see a tremendous opportunity to show the love of Christ and proclaim the gospel.
La meta es enseñar y desarrollar un programa de consejería de nivel diplomado y master en el Seminario Teológico Colombo (CTS).
To see churches planted and believers discipled into mature Christians in the Cotahuasi Canyon.
Queremos ver que las consultas al servicio misionero crezcan por medio por medio de nuestro uso activo más profesional, y más intencional de los medios sociales para mejorar las consultas y donaciones en línea incluso más.
Nuestra meta es plantar iglesias indígenas Yao entre el pueblo Yao.
Plantar Iglesias entre los pobres urbanos en Colombo, con un enfoque en el pueblo tamil.
Centro Educativo Internacional is a Christian school that shares the good news with Paraguayans through English language and other opportunities.
El ministerio de educación cristiana busca alcanzar a los niños, uno de los grupos más vulnerables, con las buenas nuevas de Jesucristo.
Camp is an important tool in reaching and discipling youth and leaders in Paraguay. It is the hope to develop more effective camps, utilizing the location, size and design of the camp property and buildings.
The Chilean evangelical church has been part of a growing movement for many years. Thus our focus in ministry is to come alongside the church to make disciples and develop leadership.
Our aim is to express Christ’s love to the children and youth of Guinea.
The intent of Centro Evangélico de Medicina do Lubango (CEML) is to build and equip a Women’s Health Centre on the hospital site.
We glorify God by making disciples of the people in Burkina Faso as we proclaim Jesus Christ and engage in ministries of compassion.
BRiCC is a community centre in central Jos that aims to build peace and reconciliation through relationships.
Este ministerio provee educación cristiana de calidad para los hijos de los misioneros y de otros que buscan tener un impacto del reino en Etiopía.
La creación o traducción e impresión y fabricación disponible de literatura bíblica en el norte de Mozambique.
We see Benin churches becoming mature, missional and dynamic.
We desire to see people from all backgrounds loving their creator with all their hearts, loving their neighbours as themselves, and forming into loving communities.
The aim of this Guest House & Conference Centre in Asunción is to provide a place where rural SIM missionaries may stay and rest when in the capital city as well as providing a large meeting place.
Under the Christian organization AIDIA, Peruvian believers and SIM missionaries seek to see churches planted and believers discipled into mature Christians in the rural villages of Apurímac. In this region only 8 percent of the villages have an evangelical church.
This conference will bring together the SIM directors who serve in Latin America to provide leadership development and training.
La movilización de las iglesias de Malawi para el envío de personas hacia el ministerio transcultural, llevando hacia el establecimiento de agencias de envío en Malawi, una de las cuales podría ser el SIM.
Un campo misionero bien administrado permite a los misioneros de largo plazo alcanzar a los menos alcanzados.
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