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Young Professionals
Potosí is a mining town located at over 13,000 feet above sea level. In a city where the worship of idols is encouraged, we long to see professionals exercise their profession to the glory of God by reaching others with the Good News of Jesus Christ. Our team currently interacts with other professionals through one-on-one mentorship within a medical clinic where we attempt to model excellent care including how to incorporate faith into our daily practice. There is currently no on-campus ministry to students happening in Potosí, but we would love to see an on-campus ministry as well as career-specific mentoring and Bible studies start to take place. If you are passionate about mentoring others such as a physician, nurse, teacher, business owner, lawyer, engineer, architect, dentist, a Pastor or a Campus Minister, or just have a heart for college students and other young professionals, we would love to have you prayerfully consider joining our team! Potosí, Bolivia South America.
Bolivia, South & Central America
Mid term (1 to 2 years)
Long term (+2 years)
Creative Communicators
We have Ministry Point People (MPPs) covering the Arts, Digital Engagement and Orality. They serve our entities and workers on the ground to communicate the gospel creatively, reaching out to communities where people are living and dying without knowing Jesus.
Global, Global
Any duration
Equipping the Church
The Equipping the Church Group envisions the Word of God translated into heart languages so the church can develop contextualised literature, curricula and media resources. These will support the development of mature and equipped disciples and leaders through intentional and orderly training opportunities at all levels and so produce thriving communities of missional followers of Jesus.
Global, Global
Any duration
Sports Friends International
Sports Friends works in 19 countries and ministers to almost 300,000 young people through the powerful platform of sport. Our mission is to equip churches and church planters to use sport to make disciples of Jesus Christ among young people, their families and their communities. We believe sports ministry is a powerful tool for the church to build relationships and share the gospel hope. We provide training for church partners, with those attending becoming coaches in their communities. These “life coaches” are mentoring and loving young people, walking with them through life’s challenges, and helping them become mature disciples. We’re always looking for more awesome people to join our diverse, global team! We need people who have a passion for sports and young people, but it’s not essential for many of the roles within Sports Friends. We are also looking for workers who have gifts in administration, communications, discipleship, leadership, pastoral care, and many more as we seek to equip the church to make disciples. Your passions, gifts, and skills can all be used for God’s glory! Whether you’re ready to engage in long-term ministry or want to test the water with an internship or short-term ministry trip, we can help connect you to God’s work all over the world.
Global, Global
Any duration
Vocational Training to Transform Unreached Communities
We need people interested in delivering vocational training who have experience in various trades, business and practical life skills who are passionate about reaching unreached communities. If you are an experienced plumber, electrician, air conditioner repair person, pipe fitter, mechanic, builder, solar installer, seamstress or tailor there is a place for you in North Africa. You will work to teach and train others in your skillset, passing on your knowledge while also teaching integrity and other life skills. Long-term, a willingness to learn Arabic is essential but short-term is also welcome.
Middle East-North Africa-Central Asia
Any duration
Theological Education/Discipleship of Church Leaders
We seek to provide solid Biblical teaching and relational discipleship while also providing contextual training such as oral Bible storying as a way to grow in their relationship with Christ, to present the Gosgel, and as a crucial method in the discipleship of other believers. The opportunities are endless for discipleship and theological education as Mozambique is one of the least educated countries in Africa. A masters in theological education does not yet exist in country. In efforts to build up and train church leade - a theological training school in Lichinga, northern Mozambique. The vision is to impart a living faith in its students which will then bleed over into the churches. Ample opportunities to plug into this growing and flourishing project are crucial to the SIM Moz vision. Other opportunities are plentiful as each church struggles at the moment to train and disciple its members and leaders. Please contact us to hear more.
Mozambique, Southern Africa
Long term (+2 years)
Ministry to Children and Youth
To engage children and youth through the provision of sport, education, life skills and character development programmes, together with special care for orphans, vulnerable children and disadvantaged youth. Alongside this is the desire to introduce the children and youth to the good news of hope and forgiveness found in Jesus.
South Africa, Southern Africa
Any duration
Youth Outreach & Discipleship
Join the frontlines of mission in Uruguay! In the western hemisphere culture that has resisted the gospel most vehemently, youth and young adults in Uruguay are beginning to question the firmly-held atheistic beliefs of the generations before them. Our goal is to enter into this unprecedented open door to reach, disciple and empower high school and university-aged young people so they can engage their peers and transform their nation into one that cherishes Christ. We need event planners, social media managers and small group facilitators but, most of al, we need people who are willing to meet one-to-one with students to genuinely befriend and build trust. This leads to open ears, hearts and hands for the gospel and further discipleship! The ministry language is Spanish.
Uruguay, South & Central America
Any duration
Dare to Dream: Children's Outreach
This after-school homework club provides hope and opportunity to elementary school-aged children with learning challenges who come from difficult family and economic situations. Help us short-term or long-term by tutoring kids in reading, writing and oral expression, but also mentoring them in cooking, gardening, recreation, art, and Bible! We want to support and encourage these kids to develop the attitudes and skills they need to succeed not only educationally and economically, but spiritually.
Uruguay, South & Central America
Any duration
Church-Planting in Least-Reached Areas
Serve in a refreshing, relevant, biblical local church in a context which has few and small evangelical communities! Whether you're passionate about evangelism and outreach, discipleship and small group leadership or worship and Sunday service coordination, there are all kinds of ways for you to make an impact! The ministry language is Spanish.
Uruguay, South & Central America
Any duration
Engaging the East African Church in Mission
We help churches in East Africa develop sending structures, allowing them to send workers through the East African sending office to SIM entities around the world.
Ethiopia, East and Central Africa
Long term (+2 years)
Catalyst: Biblical Study Training
Partnering with ESI (Equipping Servants International), this is a ministry of mutual discipleship among pastors and leaders of different churches and denominations. We equip participants in the systematic study of God’s word, providing them with quality resources and training them in the use of these materials over the course of the three-year ESI process.
Uruguay, South & Central America
Long term (+2 years)
Mostrando el intervalo 25 - 36 de 226 resultados.