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Opportunities Search

Vulnerable Families in Potosí

We long to see the children and families of Potosí, Bolivia, flourishing spiritually, emotionally and physically. Our prayer is to use the skills and professions that God has given us as a vehicle to meet physical and emotional needs and lead people to Christ. Potosí, a mining town located at over 13,000 feet above sea level, is home to many families experiencing alcoholism, intra-family violence, abuse, and medical morbidity and mortality. Some of the least reached with the Gospel and most vulnerable and at-risk in Potosí include the deaf and hard of hearing, the mining community, and those with other disabilities. Our team currently interacts with vulnerable and at-risk families by providing medical care in an outpatient clinic and working with local churches and their ministries. We would love to invite you to join our team if you are a physician, nurse, physical therapist, occupational therapist, speech therapist, dentist, know sign language, counselor, social worker, teacher, pastor, engineer, construction worker, have mining experience, safety officer, coach, sustainability/community development specialist, or if you have a heart for sharing the hope of Christ with the most vulnerable in Potosí. If this sounds like you, or something you might be interested in, please prayerfully consider joining us! - Potosí, Bolivia South America - Any Duration

Bolivia, South & Central America

Any duration

Children's Ministry

We want to offer administrative assistance to the director and to the mission workers and ministries in Madagascar. We also want to strengthen church mission collaboration and develop leadership in the entity, churches and mission. We are looking to recruit gifted administrators and those who may have served in positions of leadership.

Madagascar, Southern Africa

Any duration

Children's Ministry

This ministry in Botswana covers all issues pertaining to children. Sunday school training, early learning, orphans and vulnerable children, child trafficking prevention, family support and enrichment, schools Christian associations and Bible teaching in schools, sports ministry. If you are called to work with children, we'd love to hear from you.

Botswana, Southern Africa

Long term (+2 years)

Mobilisation for Mission

Serving with like-minded organisations and churches in Ghana, which share the vision to see the Ghanaian church sending out workers into cross-cultural ministry. Our mobilisation teams will work to ignite a passion within the churches for the millions across the globe who have little witness to Christ. Through a deeper understanding of God’s word and greater knowledge of the peoples of his world, our prayer is that many will respond to the heart call of God to take the good news of Jesus to places where he is least known.

Ghana, West Africa

Any duration

Strategic Discipleship

We are looking for people who can actively engage in discipleship through equipping key church leaders to develop a discipleship emphasis within their denomination; engagement with students and interns on university campuses; community development with an integrated discipleship approach with rural farmers; life-on-life engagement with interested individuals

Zambia, Southern Africa

Any duration

Business for Transformation in unreached communities

We need business people with a heart for Christ and the lost. Whether you are an entrepreneur wanting to start a missional business, gifted in business administration and finance, or at the beginning of your business journey, we have a place for you: Import export, agricultural, technical consultancy, service provision, education and training, the opportunities are almost endless. Come and work in business in North Africa with the purpose of sharing light and truth and seeing Arab communities transformed. Willingness to learn Arabic is necessary for this work.

Middle East-North Africa-Central Asia

Any duration

Next Generation

We long for all the children and young people in Benin to have a personal encounter with Jesus. Given at least 40 per cent of the population is under 14, this is no easy task! We are looking for outgoing, French-speaking people who love young people and are willing to work alongside the local church and para-church organisations so that more of Benin’s next generation might hear the truths of the Bible. We need people to help equip and encourage leaders to run children’s clubs, people to use sport as a platform to build relationships and share gospel hope, and people to invest in the lives of university students. Another vital need is school teachers to help grow and encourage a biblical worldview of education.

Benin, West Africa

Any duration

Young Professionals

Potosí is a mining town located at over 13,000 feet above sea level. In a city where the worship of idols is encouraged, we long to see professionals exercise their profession to the glory of God by reaching others with the Good News of Jesus Christ. Our team currently interacts with other professionals through one-on-one mentorship within a medical clinic where we attempt to model excellent care including how to incorporate faith into our daily practice. There is currently no on-campus ministry to students happening in Potosí, but we would love to see an on-campus ministry as well as career-specific mentoring and Bible studies start to take place. If you are passionate about mentoring others such as a physician, nurse, teacher, business owner, lawyer, engineer, architect, dentist, a Pastor or a Campus Minister, or just have a heart for college students and other young professionals, we would love to have you prayerfully consider joining our team! Potosí, Bolivia South America.

Bolivia, South & Central America

Mid term (1 to 2 years)
Long term (+2 years)

Creative Communicators

We have Ministry Point People (MPPs) covering the Arts, Digital Engagement and Orality. They serve our entities and workers on the ground to communicate the gospel creatively, reaching out to communities where people are living and dying without knowing Jesus.

Global, Global

Any duration

Equipping the Church

The Equipping the Church Group envisions the Word of God translated into heart languages so the church can develop contextualised literature, curricula and media resources. These will support the development of mature and equipped disciples and leaders through intentional and orderly training opportunities at all levels and so produce thriving communities of missional followers of Jesus.

Global, Global

Any duration

Sports Friends International

Sports Friends works in 19 countries and ministers to almost 300,000 young people through the powerful platform of sport. Our mission is to equip churches and church planters to use sport to make disciples of Jesus Christ among young people, their families and their communities. We believe sports ministry is a powerful tool for the church to build relationships and share the gospel hope. We provide training for church partners, with those attending becoming coaches in their communities. These “life coaches” are mentoring and loving young people, walking with them through life’s challenges, and helping them become mature disciples. We’re always looking for more awesome people to join our diverse, global team! We need people who have a passion for sports and young people, but it’s not essential for many of the roles within Sports Friends. We are also looking for workers who have gifts in administration, communications, discipleship, leadership, pastoral care, and many more as we seek to equip the church to make disciples. Your passions, gifts, and skills can all be used for God’s glory! Whether you’re ready to engage in long-term ministry or want to test the water with an internship or short-term ministry trip, we can help connect you to God’s work all over the world.

Global, Global

Any duration

Vocational Training to Transform Unreached Communities

We need people interested in delivering vocational training who have experience in various trades, business and practical life skills who are passionate about reaching unreached communities. If you are an experienced plumber, electrician, air conditioner repair person, pipe fitter, mechanic, builder, solar installer, seamstress or tailor there is a place for you in North Africa. You will work to teach and train others in your skillset, passing on your knowledge while also teaching integrity and other life skills. Long-term, a willingness to learn Arabic is essential but short-term is also welcome.

Middle East-North Africa-Central Asia

Any duration