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Church Partnership

SIM Liberia team members work alongside Liberian Christian leaders, especially with ELWA and ECOL, to spread the gospel, teach the Word of God, and disciple believers to maturity in Liberia and wherever they may be called to mission. We each bring our resources to strive together toward the goal of strengthening and purifying the body of Christ in Liberia.

Liberia, West Africa

Any duration

Children with Special Needs

There are many children with special needs in Bolivia, including ADHD, autism and Down's Syndrome. Unfortunately, these children and their families face additional challenges because they are often marginalised and under-served. We are reaching out to them with the love of Jesus, showing them how special they are in his eyes and helping these children and their families thrive. Talk to us to find out how you could help. We organise support groups caring for their physical, emotional, and spiritual needs and hold workshops for parents and teachers of special needs children. Do you have a heart for children with special needs? We are looking for psychologists and therapists, including occupational therapists, physical therapists, speech and language pathologists/therapists. Come be a part of our multi-disciplinary team bringing hope to families of children with special needs. Empower a child’s life!

Bolivia, South & Central America

Any duration

Children At Risk Network

Despite the many ongoing efforts by many organizations and individuals to respond to needs of vulnerable children and families, there is not much to show. Many of the ministries responding to these needs are lacking in best practices and therefore not very effective or efficient. Many are working in isolation struggling to find resources to do the work. Greater unity, sensitization, equipping, networking, collaboration and coordination among organizations working with vulnerable families is required if there is to be any improvement. The government is aware that even dedicated Christian projects are not better and they are also doing unstructured and inexperienced work. Though very keen to grow and progress they may not have access to training and resources. Children at Risk Network walks alongside these other groups to help transform the situation by developing their capacity to effectively and efficiently love, care for, protect and disciple children. As a wise person said, a strong desire to make change must be coupled with the capacity to make that change. Many faith organizations are well aware that it is not enough to just have a big heart to serve, but individuals, churches and Christian organizations must also invest time and resources in developing their capacity to do ministry using best practices. We are convinced that the church should be in the forefront in responding to issues affecting their communities. However, Christians are often seen as having a good heart but being oblivious to society’s needs. If the work of the Church is leading the way to lasting change for children and the community at large, it will be respected. The Church was not previously equipped to deal with social issues. Through training and sensitization efforts by SIM Kenya Children at Risk Network, the past perceptions and attitudes of pastors are changing, and they now desire to be equipped to deal with spiritual and professional issues to be included in the common agenda with the government and other agencies to obtain support and reduce any sense of isolation that is usually felt. Healthy relationships and cross-pollination with other SIM Kenya ministries have been borne much fruit and many children have been impacted positively. We are taking advantage of these relationships to enhance our ministry efforts. UNICEF Statistics of Young People connected to Streets and trafficking 100 million globally, 360000+ in Kenya. Nairobi, Mombasa, Kilifi and Lamu are preferred by vulnerable children as easy life opportunity host hubs, hence young people engage in street connection and young people trafficking is very high.

Kenya, East and Central Africa

Long term (+2 years)

Medical and student ministry

We mentor young learners to be disciples of Christ and to use their professional skills for kingdom-building. This can be done by visiting lecturers in specialist topics and also by longer-term teaching staff in the university. We also work with Christian groups like the Christian Medical Fellowship.

Botswana, Southern Africa

Short term (less than 1 year)

Leadership and Administration

We need people to help support the SIM Zambia team in - administration - finance - personnel/member care - projects - field leadership - guest facilities

Zambia, Southern Africa

Long term (+2 years)

Equipping churches and leaders in Paraguay's interior communities

We welcome flexible, relational, team-oriented workers into this crucial ministry. This team is currently focused on the shepherding of rural church leaders and the development of a Paraguayan Bible camp. We would be eager to leverage other means of equipping churches as well, such as sports ministries and young adult (university age) ministries. In this role, you would be working within the vision of the SIM Paraguay team, but with the flexibility to work out that vision in the relationships and opportunities God will graciously give you.

Paraguay, South & Central America

Long term (+2 years)

Formal and Non-Formal Theological Education

Could you help train pastors and other church leaders to give them a sound understanding of Biblical truth? There are many churches and congregations with pastors, lay preachers and church workers who have not had the opportunity and privilege of either studying at a Bible College or undertaking a distance-learning course. Biblically-based theological and leadership training is therefore a priority area for strengthening the church across South Africa. The ministry seeks to serve men and women in leadership roles within evangelical churches in South Africa, including pastors and people leading ministries within a church, with the objective of strengthening church leadership and equipping leaders to train others through what they have learned.

South Africa, Southern Africa

Mid term (1 to 2 years)

Training Church Leaders and Discipleship

By faith, we seek to train leaders and workers so they can in turn train the church effectively to fulfil the Great Commission.

Ecuador, South & Central America

Any duration

Leadership and Services Central Asia (NICA)

Currently operating out of the regional office based in Czechia, we facilitate the receiving and support of workers in Central Asia. We are looking for people with administrative skills in finance, personnel or office management, and for communicators or media professionals.

Czech Republic, Middle East-North Africa-Central Asia

Mid term (1 to 2 years)
Long term (+2 years)

Alliances for Unreached Communities

Joining forces with other ministries in Paraguay, we see SIM Paraguay crossing barriers to those living and dying without the gospel in socially-defined communities. Uniendo fuerzas con otros ministerios en Paraguay, vemos a SIM Paraguay cruzando las barreras a aquellos que viven y mueren sin el Evangelio en comunidades socialmente definidas.

Paraguay, South & Central America

Any duration

Mobilising Paraguayan Churches for Missions

You would be working alongside others to see equipped, godly leaders encouraging spiritual growth, leading the church, training other leaders, and expanding the church into the next community, the next generation and into all the world.

Paraguay, South & Central America

Long term (+2 years)

Paraguay Leadership and Services

We need people with gifts of administration, accounting, people care and leadership to provide the essential services which will enable mission workers to flourish as they serve across Paraguay.

Paraguay, South & Central America

Long term (+2 years)

Outreach to Paraguay's Interior Communities

We are a group of missionaries with a passion to reach the towns and villages that have no access to a local church and/or have no believers in their community. We welcome missionaries with a heart to plant churches through relationship building, starting Bible studies in rural communities, and a strong calling to live in a remote area and participate in a local community of subsistence farmers, local shop owners, and schoolteachers. You can use your trade, your skills, and your hobbies as a door to sharing the gospel. In this role, you would be working within the vision of our ministry team, but with the flexibility to work out that vision in the relationships and opportunities God will graciously give you.

Paraguay, South & Central America

Long term (+2 years)

Paraguay First Nations Partnerships

We are looking for people who are willing to work alongside indigenous believers, growing, equipping, and encouraging them to reach out to their people. This work would include doing Bible lessons/teaching in Guarani and requires an adventurous spirit in people willing to travel off the beaten path. Furthermore, the mission worker must be able to ask the question, "How can I help meet some needs, without enabling, or causing dependency?" While almost all trades and professions would be helpful, we would love to welcome doctors or nurses to this ministry.

Paraguay, South & Central America

Long term (+2 years)

Next Generation

We long for all the children and young people in Benin to have a personal encounter with Jesus. Given at least 40 per cent of the population is under 14, this is no easy task! We are looking for outgoing, French-speaking people who love young people and are willing to work alongside the local church and para-church organisations so that more of Benin’s next generation might hear the truths of the Bible. We need people to help equip and encourage leaders to run children’s clubs, people to use sport as a platform to build relationships and share gospel hope, and people to invest in the lives of university students. Another vital need is school teachers to help grow and encourage a biblical worldview of education.

Benin, West Africa

Any duration


- Deputations/preaching/mission display - Internship for seminary students and potential workers - Resourcing through consultation/partnership - Equipping seminars

Singapore, East Asia

Mid term (1 to 2 years)

Asian Diaspora Ministry

We are reaching out to unreached Asian communities in Malawi with the gospel in order to bring them to the saving knowledge of Christ and making disciples with the aim of forming a worshipping and missional community.

Malawi, Southern Africa

Any duration

Healthcare Discipleship Ministry

Our healthcare ministry builds the capacity of healthcare workers to holistically care for the spiritual, physical, and emotional needs of Malawi’s most vulnerable and unreached populations.

Malawi, Southern Africa

Mid term (1 to 2 years)

Tiyamike Women Empowerment

Tiyamike empowers disadvantaged women and girls with sewing and business skills to provide for themselves and their families and to know God’s great love for them. If you have skills like this we'd love to hear from you.

Malawi, Southern Africa

Any duration

Youth Ministry - Discipleship and Outreach

By faith, together with the church in Malawi, we see young people receiving Christ's forgiveness on the cross, growing in their faith, reflecting Jesus' character and becoming committed disciples of Christ who are active in church and society, and reaching out to unreached youth. If you have a heart for young people and would like to join this ministry, then do get in touch.

Malawi, Southern Africa

Long term (+2 years)

Leadership & Operational Services

You can spread the gospel in Malawi by helping the SIM Malawi Team and its ministries flourish. Join a multicultural team which is providing care and services to our workers and is cultivating fruitful partnerships with other like-minded organisations. We need people with adminstrative skills, including in finance, personnel and office management.

Malawi, Southern Africa

Any duration

Church Leadership Development

The Church leadership development ministry in Malawi includes lay leadership training, on-going training and mentoring of pastors, and institutional Bible teaching and training in order to equip those preparing for and serving in leadership in churches to be bold disciple-makers with a passion for reaching the lost.

Malawi, Southern Africa

Any duration

Children's Ministry - Outreach & Capacity Building

To be completed

Malawi, Southern Africa

Any duration

Indian Diaspora Ministry

The Indian Diaspora ministry seeks to proclaim the Gospel to the unreached Indian communities in Malawi in order to bring them to the saving knowledge of Christ and to make disciples with the aim of forming a worshipping and missional community.

Malawi, Southern Africa

Any duration