Spring of Life counselling needs funds to persist in HIV ministry

By Tianna Haas | Nigeria in West Africa

Spring of Life Counseling Centre.

The COVID-19 pandemic has led to financial concerns and slowed educational efforts on HIV and AIDS for Spring of Life counselling centre in Egbe, Nigeria.  

Spring of Life began in 2007 through SIM to address holistically HIV and AIDS-related issues and relies on donations. While they’ve pressed on in making testing and care accessible in the community, the limited funding has left them unsure of what ministry will look like beyond 2021.  

SIM partner and centre manager Pastor Taiye Alabi said, “The impact of COVID-19 on Spring of Life [brought] challenges. We were restricted in carrying out some key activities like the regular outreaches to schools, churches, and communities to sensitise them and test for the HIV.” 

Their home-based care, including trauma counselling services, had new regulations for staff to consider. However, ECWA Hospital and Spring of Life’s office have continued to hold consistent counselling sessions and opportunities to share the gospel each week in support groups.  

Pastor Alabi said, “This is definitely God’s mercies and grace. We are indeed grateful to continue ministering to the spiritual, physical, and emotional needs of the poor and sick people in our midst.” 

The centre also distributes monthly nutritional items and antiretroviral prescription refills to patients. Pastor Alabi said, “Conclusively, we still have cause to bless and thank the Lord for his intervention in spite of these challenges. The Lord keeps helping us to carry out our activities … We appreciate our donors for keeping the ministry functioning through the love of Jesus Christ.” 

Aside from office and testing supplies, funding is also needed to cover equipment replacement, including a new motorbike for transportation during patient visits since theirs has just broken down after eight years. 

He said, “We keep praying and trusting the Lord for divine intervention. Whatever happens I know we will not close office, so we can keep ministering to the needs of close to 350 patients. Our God is faithful indeed [and] will provide as we collectively make efforts to reach out prayerfully in faith.” 

In generating awareness and limiting the spread of HIV, they have demonstrated the love of Christ. Please consider contributing to this project to extend the important work of Spring of Life counselling. Visit our donation page, select the office nearest you, and use project 96407.  

Just like Spring of Life, HIV testing services in vulnerable communities have been hit by lockdowns or other pandemic-related difficulties. Raise awareness with us for World AIDS Day to end inequalities, end AIDS, and end pandemics. 

Pray with us 

• For Pastor Alabi and the counselling staff to find encouragement and hope while pouring into others.  

• For God to provide funds from generous individuals to sustain the ministry.  

• For a new motorbike for patient visits. 

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