Peter takes refugee ministry online

By Kerry Allan | Europe

Peter Samir.

Five years after a wave of refugees and migrants came to Europe fleeing war and economic hardship, the chaos of a global pandemic prompted many to ask about the end times, says Peter Samir, who is joining SIM’s #HowWillTheyHear ministry.

“Questions were raised up among churches and Christians as to how to answer their questions during these uncertain times,” he says. But while the coronavirus crisis closed churches all over the world, Peter says God used his people to create thousands of home churches, discipleship groups and Bible studies online and give Christians a new opportunity to point to Jesus.

“Religion is a great aspect in the life of Arab people,” he adds. “The coronavirus crisis has been a blessing as God wants us to use different ways to show all Muslims in Europe looking for hope in their life, that Jesus Christ is their greatest security.”

#HowWillTheyHear mobilises UK churches to share the gospel with migrants and refugees across Europe. It also trains and sends Christians from overseas to help and support local churches as they reach out to refugees with the gospel and raises leaders among new believers from Muslim-background believers.

Within weeks of the onset of COVID-19, Peter launched five online groups, which now number more than 120 participants from Greece, Holland, Turkey, Germany and Sweden.

He also provides books and videos online for local churches in Europe to distribute.

“People are more engaged with the online groups because they can be ‘hidden’ behind a screen and they are going really well. Some have even invited families and friends from their origin countries to attend discipleship groups online,” adds Peter, who has been working in Muslim discipleship since 1990.

He is now keen to collaborate with churches, organisations and Christians to help them reach out to refugees and migrants.

“If you don’t know the language, you’re welcome to bring your Arabic-speaking believers or even seekers, to join discipleship groups or bible study and attend some training to equip and prepare them to be able to start a group among their friends and share the gospel with their family.”

For more information, please email

10:14 prayer campaign

Every year, #HowWillTheyHear hosts a prayer campaign, inviting people to lift up refugees and migrants for 14 days, 10 minutes a day, starting 14 October. We would love if you joined us! Get the guided prayer resource right in your inbox by signing up today.

Please pray

• For families and young Arabic speakers in Europe to find their true way with Jesus.

• Give glory to God as he uses online meetings for his good purposes.

• For local churches to collaborate with SIM’s #HWTH ministry in reaching out to Arabic speakers in Europe.

First published on SIM UK's website.

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