New youth club shares the gospel

By Savannah Brewer | Ghana in West Africa

Meeting with the local council of church pastors to introduce the vision of the youth club, partner with them and to pray together about this new ministry. Photo by committee member Tijin Job

A new youth club in northern Ghana is sharing the gospel with more than 40 young people every week. 

The club, set up by a team from local churches and SIM workers including Charity Cadieux, launched more in hope than expectation in Tumu. 

Charity said: “We had no idea how many church youth would come as we started our programme. 

“Forty-five local teenagers and young adults from the ages of 12 to 21, from nine different churches arrived to sing, learn, pray and fellowship together. Praise God for the youth he brought and will bring in the coming weeks and months.” 

Charity and the team have organised presentations on gospel truths and topics, including the holiness of God, the fall of man, the depravity of mankind and the path to salvation. 

“We want these young people to have a firm understanding and foundation rooted in the gospel. 

The vision of the club includes creating a foundation with members through discipleship who will then become leaders themselves. Local churches are invited to come alongside the club to help train members. 

“We will be teaching about how we practically live out the gospel in our lives. How do we know and follow Jesus? Through God’s word, prayer, spiritual disciplines, obedience, fellowship with other believers and more.” 

The team uses games and activities to present the gospel and encourage a sense of fellowship among the young people. These activities have led to much laughter, and the breaking down of barriers amongst the group. 

One good example came when club members were asked to say what they knew about the leaders. One member proudly proclaimed that one of the leaders was fat, which, as Charity said, was a compliment in Ghanaian culture.  

However, the leader did not hear the comment and the speaker had to repeat it several times, resulting in huge laughter among the whole group. 

Club members are learning fast, as Charity has discovered. 

She said: “In one session I deliberately told the story of the fall with wrong details and the youth were quick to correct my mistakes. It was great to hear how much they knew the story.” 

In a great answer to prayer, the club has just changed venue, moving to a school with more room than their old building. The team is hopeful the young people will continue to come out of their shells and getting to know each other.  

“Our team sends a huge thank you to those who prayed with us and for us,” said Charity. “Please don’t stop as this youth club has just got rolling. We are excited to see where God takes us in the future. 

“God is so faithful, and his grace was evident in even the smallest details.” 

Please pray for:

Unity in the committee, and guidance from the Holy Spirit.

The young people who want to attend, but are unable due to work, childcare, or disapproval from their family.

The club members to experience a deep understanding of the gospel, and the power of the Holy Spirit in their lives.

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