International Leadership and Services

Have you ever thought what it takes for someone from Australia to serve as a missionary to Kenya? How about sending someone from Korea to Ecuador? Or from Nigeria to Canada? It takes more than a plane ticket.

SIM has been sending missionaries to communities where Christ is not yet known since 1893. Today, more than 4,000 workers from over 60 different nationalities serve in over 70 countries. SIM’s vision and purpose is consistent across all of its mission sites. This unity as well as ability for people from any country to participate in God’s plan for this world are prayerfully guided by SIM’s International Leadership and Services.

Through their ministry of leadership and support services, barriers are cleared for those whom God is calling to serve cross-culturally. These are a few of the vital resources provided to the mission:

• Global leadership and mission training

• Cross-cultural ministry development in 70+ countries

• Worldwide personnel, financial and technical support to remote mission locations

• Direction and planning for the expansion and long-term sustainability of SIM priority ministries

• Multi-lingual communication resources needed to share the gospel

From stories of restoration for widows through savings groups in Asia, to sharing the good news with unreached coal miners in the treacherous mountains of Bolivia, the Kingdom work of SIM and its partners is transforming communities today.  From courageous teams re-entering an area devastated by terrorist activity in Nigeria, to trauma healing for the marginalised mothers of disabled children in Niger, we bear witness to the impact of God’s hand moving among the least-reached.  And in all of SIM’s ministries, one can glimpse the imprint of the global leadership and support services that have made local initiatives a success for over a century.

Come and Serve

If you would like to serve with us, please talk to us and let us know!



Pray for unity, courage, wisdom, and discernment for the International Director and his Leadership Team. Pray for the Deputy International Directors as they mentor, support, encourage, develop, and give accountability to our SIM leaders. 


Pray for effective mentoring and discipling at all levels of leadership, especially for wisdom in developing and encouraging SIM’s upcoming leaders. 


Pray for our teams at International Leadership and Services who do vital coordinating and support work in the areas of personnel, finance, projects, communication, archives, operations, administrative support, and information systems. 


Pray for the Ministry Point Persons as they work alongside the International Leadership Team to sharpen our ministry priorities and multi-country ministries. 


Pray for the ongoing growth and development of all SIM workers in all aspects of their lives and ministry. Pray that mission personnel will be equipped to live and work in an increasingly hostile ministry environment. 

SIM Asset Publisher Portlet

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Other Ministries from this Country

Advance Mission

La movilización de las iglesias de Malawi para el envío de personas hacia el ministerio transcultural, llevando hacia el establecimiento de agencias de envío en Malawi, una de las cuales podría ser el SIM.

Americas Leadership & Development Conference

This conference will bring together the SIM directors who serve in Latin America to provide leadership development and training.

Apurímac Church Planting and Discipleship

Under the Christian organization AIDIA, Peruvian believers and SIM missionaries seek to see churches planted and believers discipled into mature Christians in the rural villages of Apurímac. In this region only 8 percent of the villages have an evangelical church.

Asunción Guest House & Conference Centre

The aim of this Guest House & Conference Centre in Asunción is to provide a place where rural SIM missionaries may stay and rest when in the capital city as well as providing a large meeting place.

Biblical Literature

La creación o traducción e impresión y fabricación disponible de literatura bíblica en el norte de Mozambique.

Bingham Academy

Este ministerio provee educación cristiana de calidad para los hijos de los misioneros y de otros que buscan tener un impacto del reino en Etiopía.

Building Peace & Reconciliation

BRiCC is a community centre in central Jos that aims to build peace and reconciliation through relationships.

Centro Evangélico de Medicina do Lubango Womens Health Centre

The intent of Centro Evangélico de Medicina do Lubango (CEML) is to build and equip a Women’s Health Centre on the hospital site.

Children's and Youth Ministry

The population of Botswana has a large proportion of young people, and there is great opportunity to reach them through sports ministry, schools work, early childhood development centres and mental health support.

Childrens Outreach and Discipleship

Our aim is to express Christ’s love to the children and youth of Guinea.

Christian Camp Ministry

Camp is an important tool in reaching and discipling youth and leaders in Paraguay. It is the hope to develop more effective camps, utilizing the location, size and design of the camp property and buildings.

Christian Education

El ministerio de educación cristiana busca alcanzar a los niños, uno de los grupos más vulnerables, con las buenas nuevas de Jesucristo.

Christian School Ministry

Centro Educativo Internacional is a Christian school that shares the good news with Paraguayans through English language and other opportunities.

Church Engagement

Reconocer que las organizaciones misioneras necesitan re-comprometer a la iglesia, el SIM de Canadá está embarcándose en una estrategia a largo plazo para impulsar los números de misioneros por medio de varios objetivos par alas Iglesias que actualmente tienen relaciones con misioneros del SIM.

Church Leadership Training

Train servant leaders who love the Lord Jesus and who are competent in various ministry skills.

Church Partnerships

Facilitar que más iglesias en Australia cumplan la misión global de Cristo y la misión transcultural localmente.

Church Planting

Plantar Iglesias entre los pobres urbanos en Colombo, con un enfoque en el pueblo tamil.

Church Planting Among the Yao

Nuestra meta es plantar iglesias indígenas Yao entre el pueblo Yao.

Church Planting in Thailand

Looking for church planters with long-term perspectives.

Advance Mission

La movilización de las iglesias de Malawi para el envío de personas hacia el ministerio transcultural, llevando hacia el establecimiento de agencias de envío en Malawi, una de las cuales podría ser el SIM.

Americas Leadership & Development Conference

This conference will bring together the SIM directors who serve in Latin America to provide leadership development and training.

Apurímac Church Planting and Discipleship

Under the Christian organization AIDIA, Peruvian believers and SIM missionaries seek to see churches planted and believers discipled into mature Christians in the rural villages of Apurímac. In this region only 8 percent of the villages have an evangelical church.

Asunción Guest House & Conference Centre

The aim of this Guest House & Conference Centre in Asunción is to provide a place where rural SIM missionaries may stay and rest when in the capital city as well as providing a large meeting place.

Biblical Literature

La creación o traducción e impresión y fabricación disponible de literatura bíblica en el norte de Mozambique.

Bingham Academy

Este ministerio provee educación cristiana de calidad para los hijos de los misioneros y de otros que buscan tener un impacto del reino en Etiopía.

Building Peace & Reconciliation

BRiCC is a community centre in central Jos that aims to build peace and reconciliation through relationships.

Centro Evangélico de Medicina do Lubango Womens Health Centre

The intent of Centro Evangélico de Medicina do Lubango (CEML) is to build and equip a Women’s Health Centre on the hospital site.

Children's and Youth Ministry

The population of Botswana has a large proportion of young people, and there is great opportunity to reach them through sports ministry, schools work, early childhood development centres and mental health support.

Childrens Outreach and Discipleship

Our aim is to express Christ’s love to the children and youth of Guinea.

Christian Camp Ministry

Camp is an important tool in reaching and discipling youth and leaders in Paraguay. It is the hope to develop more effective camps, utilizing the location, size and design of the camp property and buildings.

Christian Education

El ministerio de educación cristiana busca alcanzar a los niños, uno de los grupos más vulnerables, con las buenas nuevas de Jesucristo.

Christian School Ministry

Centro Educativo Internacional is a Christian school that shares the good news with Paraguayans through English language and other opportunities.

Church Engagement

Reconocer que las organizaciones misioneras necesitan re-comprometer a la iglesia, el SIM de Canadá está embarcándose en una estrategia a largo plazo para impulsar los números de misioneros por medio de varios objetivos par alas Iglesias que actualmente tienen relaciones con misioneros del SIM.

Church Leadership Training

Train servant leaders who love the Lord Jesus and who are competent in various ministry skills.

Church Partnerships

Facilitar que más iglesias en Australia cumplan la misión global de Cristo y la misión transcultural localmente.

Church Planting

Plantar Iglesias entre los pobres urbanos en Colombo, con un enfoque en el pueblo tamil.

Church Planting Among the Yao

Nuestra meta es plantar iglesias indígenas Yao entre el pueblo Yao.

Church Planting in Thailand

Looking for church planters with long-term perspectives.