
In partnership with existing churches and institutions, SIM Indonesia will reach out to the least-reached Indonesians by word and deed, meet their physical spiritual needs, proclaim the good news of Jesus in their midst, and disciple them into Christ-centered churches.

In partnership with existing churches and institutions, SIM Indonesia will reach out to the least-reached Indonesians by word and deed, meet their physical spiritual needs, proclaim the good news of Jesus in their midst, and disciple them into Christ-centered churches.
Come and Serve

Ingessena and Least Reached
Este ministerio procede de nuestra convicción de que nadie debería vivir y morir sin tener una oportunidad de oír, entender, y creer en el Evangelio. Nuestra meta es presentarles a Cristo a las personas.

Youth Workers Toolkit
El SIM Kenia está preparando un conjunto de libros de entrenamiento para equipar a los líderes juveniles a través de África Oriental para alcanzar a los jóvenes más efectivamente.

Sports Friends Kenya
Convinced that no one should live and die without hearing God’s good news, SIM Sports Friends Kenya are making disciples through sports.

Life Challenge Mission to Muslims
Life Challenge is uniquely focused and passionately committed to motivate, train and equip the Church to present the gospel to Muslims. Do you have a vision to equip the African church to reach Muslims for Christ?

Theological and Missional Education
We serve and equip churches for mission through theological and missiological education, working to see biblically grounded, spiritually mature church leaders equipping the Body of Christ to reach and disciple those living without Him.

Children's and Youth Ministry
The population of Botswana has a large proportion of young people, and there is great opportunity to reach them through sports ministry, schools work, early childhood development centres and mental health support.

Highest Honour / S.H.I.N.E. Africa Discipleship and Counselling
'Highest Honour' and 'S.H.I.N.E. Africa' desire to fill the current gap in training and materials that can bring deep heart-transforming biblical discipleship in African shame-oriented contexts.

Theological and Medical Training
Nuestra meta es completar la traducción bíblica y oral de las historias bíblicas al idioma San llamado !Xoon.

Remote Area Dweller Ministry
Nuestra meta es completar la traducción bíblica y oral de las historias bíblicas al idioma San llamado !Xoon.

Mobilisation and Evangelism
In order to take the message of Christ to the least-reached in Botswana and around the world, we are currently focusing on the mobilisation of local Christians for mission work, evangelism to Asian expatriate workers, and the establishment of a Christian resource centre.

Mobilisation for Christ's Global Mission
Queremos movilizar a más personas, oración, y fondos para la misión global de Cristo, especialmente donde viven y mueren sin Cristo en el sur de Asia.

Radio Hope
Radio Ondas de Esperanza proclama el Evangelio por medio de una programación de radio cristiana.

Medical and Social Work
Medical work has been part of SIM ministries since the beginning. Discover more about it...

Church Leadership Training
Train servant leaders who love the Lord Jesus and who are competent in various ministry skills.
Communities where Christ is least known
A Community in West Kalimantan
The gospel has been spread consistently by missionaries for more than half a century in West Kalimantan, resulting in large denominations among some ethnic communities. However, one community, numbering 1.5 million people, has less than 1% following Jesus. West Kalimantan has more than fifteen theological schools, 120 church denominations, and more than 4,000 religious workers, yet less than 1% of all Christians are reaching this large community. There are less than 20 people actively focused on sharing the gospel with them.
Those who share the gospel with them must understand that this group of people:
■ identifies with Islam and is not open to other faiths.
■ embraces folk tales and mystical things.
■ is difficult for an outsider to influence, as the population lives in tightly-knit families and communities. It takes a long time to be accepted into the community.
■ follows their own teachings and practices closely, and must be approached tactfully with new ideas.
■ are usually open to those with whom they have cultivated a certain level of relationship.
Pray for pioneering missionaries to join us in this strategic work to least reached people.
Pray for pioneering missionaries to join us in this strategic work to least reached people.
Pray for suitable leadership from the missionaries to be put in place in the near future.
Pray for suitable leadership from the missionaries to be put in place in the near future.
Pray for resources to develop this new country of service for SIM.
Pray for resources to develop this new country of service for SIM.
Pray for unity and diversity in the team.
Pray for unity and diversity in the team.