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Indian Diaspora Ministry
The Indian Diaspora ministry seeks to proclaim the Gospel to the unreached Indian communities in Malawi in order to bring them to the saving knowledge of Christ and to make disciples with the aim of forming a worshipping and missional community.
Malawi, Southern Africa
Any duration
Sports Friends Malawi
Our vision is to mobilise, train and equip Malawian denominations, churches and church planters nationwide to use the powerful platform of sports as a tool for effective evangelism, discipleship and church planting. We want to see youth and members of their families grow in their relationship with God through relationships built on the sports field/court. We also seek to see the churches of Malawi using sports as a tool to reach across the borders of Malawi in cross-cultural ministry in fulfillment of Christ's Great Commission.
Malawi, Southern Africa
Long term (+2 years)
Yao Outreach Ministry
This ministry seeks to plant Christ-centred Yao churches that are Yao-led, worship in the Yao language, and are self-propagating throughout the Yao heartland and beyond.
Malawi, Southern Africa
Long term (+2 years)
Mission Mobilising & Sending
To turn Malawian mission field into a Mission Force by mobilising the Church, identifying, equipping, mentoring and sending Malawian missionaries into cross-cultural ministry among unreached communities which live and die without Jesus Christ.
Malawi, Southern Africa
Any duration
Business Ministries
We work primarily in unreached parts of the world where traditional mission workers may not be allowed access. We bring transformation to communities where Christ is least known through: 1. Business As Mission strategies to start viable businesses that have spiritual, financial, social, and environmental impact in their communities. 2. Equipping and sending qualified professionals to the market place in unreached countries. 3. Developing businesses for sustainable church planting. 4. Creating micro-enterprise businesses in marginalised populations as an integrated strategy to address poverty and injustice in the long-term.
Long term (+2 years)
Enabling Effective Ministry through Missionary Support Services
Your professional skills are needed to provide practical, day-to-day support to mission workers and so allow ministry to flourish. Servants are needed in administrative leadership, finance, management, people care, office support, construction, information technology, website development and communications.
Nigeria, West Africa
Long term (+2 years)
Serving & Equipping the Church
Are you interested or skilled in supporting a growing church through theological education, training and mentoring, member care, institutional support services or resourcing, student ministry, church planting or extension? We have a range of opportunities to work hand-in-hand with local believers to respond to the needs and opportunities of the local church in Nigeria.
Nigeria, West Africa
Mid term (1 to 2 years)
Ministering to Society's Vulnerable & Marginalised
SIM Nigeria has an array of opportunities for you to use your gifts to minister to marginalised and vulnerable groups including street children, widows, orphans, those with disabilities, and the lost. These people are in communities where they are often marginalised, vulnerable, uncared for and without help. Talk to us to find out more. We are looking for educational consultants, medical consultants, vocational trainers, social workers, business consultants, agricultural and animal husbandry consultants, counselors, trauma healers, and community workers to reach people with Christ’s love that transforms lives and holistically meets the very real needs of hurting people.
Nigeria, West Africa
Long term (+2 years)
Ministering to People through Christ-Centered Health Care
Are you a doctor, nurse, dentist, physiotherapist, health educator, occupational therapist, speech therapist, or allied health care worker looking to bring Christ's healing touch to people in great need? SIM Nigeria has many opportunities in hospitals, clinics — in cities and in rural areas with limited access to health care — and schools for you to use your professional skills to make a difference in the physical and spiritual lives of people. We partner with Nigerian professionals in a variety of settings to train, mentor and disciple healthcare workers as well as offer direct care to people in need. Talk to us to find out more.
Nigeria, West Africa
Mid term (1 to 2 years)
Reaching, Teaching and Discipling Youth
You can have an eternal impact among young people in a country with deep needs and in which nearly 50 per cent of the population are children. SIM Nigeria has opportunities for teacher trainers and mentors, support workers for teachers in rural schools, work with at-risk children, ESL teachers, and teachers for front-line mission worker children. We also need skllled tradespeople to help young people with vocational training, which can provide them with life skills and hope for the future and also great opportunities for evangelism and discipleship among those being trained. Likewise, those with a background in sports and coaching are needed to help reach and disciple youth through the international ministry of Sports Friends.
Nigeria, West Africa
Long term (+2 years)
Developing Francophone Theological Educators
** Please get permissions from Ministry Leader before posting ministry info online or in print. This ministry has the two key objectives of: a) Equipping theological educators to effectively teach and disciple church leaders (through training in teaching and holistic curriculum planning skills). (b) Enabling theological institutions to cross barriers to reach out to a wider student base through the offering of online programs.
Pacific Asia
Any duration
Youth evangelism
We employ various ministry methods to develop relationships with young people in northern Mozambique in order to share God's love and redemption with this generation. We are currently have ministries in ministries, tutoring, English classes, Bible classes, and agricultural training. We are looking for self-starters to continue and expand these ministries as there is no lack of opportunity here. We also are calling others to begin new ministries to reach this vibrant and open group of unreached men and women.
Mozambique, Southern Africa
Long term (+2 years)