Opportunities Search

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Opportunities Search

Media & Publication Ministry

This ministry writes, records and broadcasts gospel messages in native languages for people groups throughout Ethiopia. We are looking for anyone with an interest in, or experience of, writing or producing such messages.

Ethiopia, East and Central Africa

Any duration

Northern Thailand Church Planting

We are church planting among the unreached communities of northern Thailand. You would build relationships and share the gospel through personal evangelism, children’s ministry, music, sports, and language teaching. If you have experience or gifting in those areas we would love to hear from you. We desire to see biblical, reproducing churches reaching their own people and engaging in mission.

Pacific Asia

Long term (+2 years)

Mission Mobilization

Working alongside churches, seminaries, and other groups you would encourage individuals and, especially, church leaders to fulfill the Great Commission. You would work with church leaders to explain how the Great Commission impacts their church and encourage them to pray for, to give to and to raise up people for global mission.

Bolivia, South & Central America

Long term (+2 years)

Word on the Street

You'll be working in a defined geographical area on the streets of Cape Town alongside the local church. The women we engage with are mixed races from three language groups and aged from 15 to 50. As we journey with them we are involved with their families (often children and sometimes extended family).

South Africa, Southern Africa

Any duration

Business for Transformation in unreached communities

We need business people with a heart for Christ and the lost. Whether you are an entrepreneur wanting to start a missional business, gifted in business administration and finance, or at the beginning of your business journey, we have a place for you. Come and work in business in North Africa with the purpose of sharing light and truth and seeing Arab communities transformed. Willingness to learn Arabic is necessary for this work.

Middle East-North Africa-Central Asia

Any duration

Outreach, Discipleship, and Church Planting

Come and join our international and multi-cultural team as we serve in a rural community in South Sudan. We work alongside the local population as well as a large refugee community. We are looking for people who love the Lord and have a passion for sharing the good news with others. We need disciple-makers, chaplain mentors, pastoral trainers, engineers for the water project, youth workers (sports), and counsellors in trauma healing. In addition, we have a local clinic serving the community and need nurses, doctors, midwives, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, pharmacists, programme manager, physical therapists, and dietitians. You may also join us as a prayer partner. We welcome short-term mission workers as well as those looking to serve long-term. We need new team members to join us who are interested in South Sudan and have skills and gifts to add value to our team, even if only for a season. We long to see mature believers encouraging and enabling self-replicating churches; to see an increase in Bible literacy; and to see people healed from emotional, spiritual, and physical injuries.

South Sudan, East and Central Africa

Any duration

SIM Senegal team

Do you have skills in finance, administration, or human resources management? Do you wish you could use those skills to help reach people who are living and dying without Christ? Come and join our team in Senegal! You could choose to live in the lively capital city or a smaller city a couple of hours away, both of which are home to several team members and have local churches that would welcome your involvement.

Senegal, West Africa

Any duration

Sports Friends Senegal

The Sports Friends staff train local church-based coaching teams with the goal that they will eventually become sustainable sports ministry programmes fully managed and funded by the church. Our goal is to train and equip the Senegalese church in a sustainable, reproducible way that will allow the local churches to impact their communities for years to come.

Senegal, West Africa

Any duration

Youth Training Centre

If you have a heart for young adults who do not know the Lord, come and join the team at our Youth Training Centre, in a small city in West Africa. We are especially looking for someone to teach English as an additional language, but also have opportunities to give vocational training in all kinds of other areas: cookery, sewing, computer, etc. Do you have a unique skill? The centre extends beyond teaching and provides a place where young people can read, study or simply relax with friends in a homey environment, giving an excellent opportunity to build relationships through which the good news can be shared.

West Africa

Any duration

English Teaching Centre

We are looking for native English speakers to join our team in a large city, teaching English as an additional language to university students and others. Classes are based around a secular curriculum but you would have opportunities to share wisdom from the Bible and discuss with students. You can also facilitate 'drop-in' sessions on discussion topics of your choice. You will get to know students better and build friendships through our social events and day camps. This work provides great opportunities to interact with open-minded, inquiring young people and share the message of the Bible with them in culturally appropriate ways!

West Africa

Any duration

Local church involvement

The Senegalese church is growing, especially among young people. We seek to be active members of local churches, supporting them by regular attendance, in prayer, and by helping with different teaching and discipling ministries as opportunities arise. Talk to us to find out how you could serve.

Senegal, West Africa

Any duration

MK education

Do you like working with children and teenagers? We are looking for qualified school teachers, as well as those who could work in auxiliary roles such as dorm parenting, finance and admin, to enable families from SIM and likeminded organisations to stay on the field, knowing that their children's educational needs can be met. We place staff and interns at Dakar Academy (https://www.dakar-academy.org), and may also have opportunities for homeschool teachers. Dakar Academy has a Christian ethos, but welcomes children from all backgrounds, so there are opportunities both to disciple those from Christian families and also to share the good news with those who haven't heard.

Senegal, West Africa

Any duration

Healthcare ministries

Far more people pass through the doors of clinics and hospitals each day than the doors of churches. Come and use your healthcare skills in this mainly Muslim context and see lives impacted as you offer compassionate, holistic care in Christ's name. Our patients are usually open to prayer and there are opportunities to share gospel truths in response to their needs. We are also looking for those who can help local staff with professional development.

Senegal, West Africa

Any duration

Engaging the Church in global missions

We look to work with churches in Ethiopia at the national and local level, Instilling in them a passion and understanding of global missions. If you feel called to inspire the next generation of Ethiopian missionaries then we would love to hear from you.

Ethiopia, East and Central Africa

Long term (+2 years)

SIM Czechia Regional Office Leadership and Services

A regional office based in Czechia, we facilitate the mobilisation, sending, and receiving of workers for Central and Eastern Europe. We also provide services for the Central Asian region for legal reasons. We are a growing multi-ethnic, multi-lingual team speaking primarily in Czech, English, Slovak, Polish, and Russian. Our goal is to develop the capacity to send and support 50-100 workers by 2026.

Czech Republic, Europe

Mid term (1 to 2 years)
Long term (+2 years)

Donor Relations

The vision of the SIM Admin team is to serve SIM and those missionaries working with SIM. To see that the SIMSA office functions well as they seek to provide leadership and services within South Africa.

South Africa, Southern Africa

Any duration

Communications specialist

We need a communications specialist to join our team. The person in this role will help see that the SIMSA office functions well as they seek to provide leadership and services within South Africa.

South Africa, Southern Africa

Any duration

Mission-focused Entrepreneurship

We need someone who can come alongside the women and help them develop the products they make and then sell them. It may be that they need help to write a business plan to get a loan to start a business. We may also need someone to assist them with market research. The worker could also develop connections with other NGO’s and Christian organisations doing this kind of thing.

South Africa, Southern Africa

Any duration

Inundo Development (Agricultural Ministry)

Not Available

South Africa, Southern Africa

Long term (+2 years)

Church mobilisation and recruitment

We offer workshops, conferences and resources for churches and their leaders; we promote SIM and its ministry opportunities.

Latinoamerica, South & Central America

Any duration

Leadership and Administration Services

Come and strengthen our workers and staff through administrative support, leadership development, and training in order to care for and develop more effective ministers of the gospel in South Sudan and to those in the diaspora in East Africa. We are looking for people who love the Lord and have a passion for administrative and leadership roles to come and support our multi-cultural team. We have opportunities for: • Nairobi Office Administrator – Assisting the director, note-taking during meetings, managing files and assisting in the updating of Synergie and other SIM internal databases. • Deputy Director/COO - Filling in for the director when he/she is on home assignment or travelling. Works closely with the director to manage staff, helping to implement the strategy and vision with the team. • Personnel Director/Coordinator – To resource, care for and develop our workers. Ensure our people are in compliance with SIM policies, principles and practices. Liaise with new enquirers and actively coordinate with sending entities. • Field Logistics Manager – ensuring planning and implementation of procedures related to flights, field orders, ordering fuel, prioritising cargo, developing supply chains in country. • Field Administrator – to manage the field office, taking care of paperwork related to local and national government, keeping up to date on costs and requirements of immigration and work permits. The post-holder would also ensure orientations of new people and visitors. • Field Accountant – working with field project managers to get field cash reports into the Finance department in a timely manner. • Pastoral Care Workers - to care for those in challenging humanitarian situations • Computer and IT Technicians - Helping the team with software and hardware issues as well as managing our network in South Sudan. • Health Coordinator – ensuring our workers are healthy and have access to the resources necessary for medical care. • Field Warehouse Manager – Organising our tools and supplies, receiving materials and ensuring we have what we need to operate in the country. • Security Coordinator – Checking security updates, doing risk assessments, contingency planning and team training while coordinating with SIM International security to ensure our team is prepared and not putting ourselves at unnecessary risk. (Trust God, act wisely) • Short-Term Missions Coordinator – Plans and coordinates with the field to bring out short-term workers, both local and international, to assist in accomplishing our mission and vision. This will include bringing in people to train church leaders, assist with evangelism, help with our medical clinic through training and clinical work, maintenance of vehicles, solar and general property upkeep/improvements, etc. You can also join us as a prayer partner. We long to see a team that is thriving in their work as they use their gifts, passions, and skills to love others and love God.

South Sudan, East and Central Africa

Any duration

Sports Friends Uruguay

Are you passionate about sports and serving young people? Contact us today to see the many ways you can get involved around the world!

Uruguay, South & Central America

Any duration

Quechua Outreach Ministry

We work alongside local churches and organisations, to support their ministries of evangelism, church planting, discipleship/leadership training, biblical training, social action. We need people with a wide range of gifts who can work with these churches to reach the rural Quechua people with the good news of Jesus.

Peru, South & Central America

Long term (+2 years)

Reaching Young People

Come and join us to reach the children and young people of the Lebanon! Nearly half the region’s population is aged 24 or younger, and we long to see this generation encounter Jesus, respond to his call and become effective members of his church and witnesses for him. We work mainly in urban contexts, serving with local Christians in church programmes, formal and informal education, youth and student work and through sport. There are opportunities for qualified teachers at both elementary and secondary level, teachers’ assistants, ESL teachers, youth workers, and vocational trainers.

Middle East-North Africa-Central Asia

Long term (+2 years)