Radio Frequence Vie
We envision the entire country of Cote d’Ivoire and beyond being reached with the gospel message through FM radio.
Street Kids
To invite the kids to give their life to Jesus and to disciple them.
A voice carried on the wind
Social media does not come naturally to Ato Tenkir. But radio ministry does. After 24 years in Ethiopian radio, he wants to add this new method to his media ministry toolkit and reach the new generation.
Bible translation: Even with a few words
You might understand Bible translation takes hours and even a lifetime to complete, but what does that truly look like? And what kind of transformation takes place through God's Word along the way?
Visual Arts interns create for an eternal purpose
In June 2019, interns learned how to use their artistic skills in missions. Find out the unique ways visual arts can unlock opportunities to share Christ's love.
Showing 481 to 485 of 833 entries.