Erica aims for Doro
New Zealand nurse Erica Aarsen is trusting God through the COVID-19 pandemic as she waits to start a long-term placement at Doro Clinic in South Sudan.
Career coaching service available for COVID-19s jobless
Motivated by the gospel, professional career coaches Daniel and Jeanie Ough are offering their free services to anyone without jobs during the pandemic. Read on to find out about this opportunity.
Pacific Asia
“Nothing I would rather do”
For Geoffrey, serving in cross-cultural mission is not limited to geography. He feels the burden to preach the good news, which is why he'll be leaving Kenya to minister in the UK.
The fork in the road
There's an untrodden road that leads to communities where Jesus isn't known. Watch this reflection on the old path behind and the new one ahead in Ethiopia.
Showing 361 to 365 of 829 entries.