While I'm at homeschool
Watch this great video which gives you a flavour of what homeschool looks like for mission kids in Thailand. Could you be their next teacher?
Seeing a new future for Ayutthaya
Ayutthaya was once a mighty capital. Now it is a forgotten provincial town - and one with scarcely any Christian witness. But a few SIM cross-cultural workers and their local partners see something new happening in Ayutthaya. Watch this video to hear more about their vision.
Numbers - Accounting as Mission
Accountant Veronica is amazed at how God is using her gifts and skills
Gospel hope transforms lives of addicted couple
Our partners in Mongolia are doing some astonishing gospel work among people with addictions, helping them out of their dependencies and into a living relationship with Jesus Christ. This is a first-person account of how one woman's life has been transformed.
Misheels university students present Christmas
Lecturer and SIM worker, Misheel, had the chance to answer questions about the gospel, all because her students chose an astonishing subject for their group projects: Christmas.
Showing 351 to 355 of 829 entries.