By word (and care) of mouth
How often do Brendan and Erin Connally's ministries overlap? Dentistry and oral Bible storying complement each other more than you'd think.
Building the Church by motorcycle
The somewhat imaginary path dwindled away, and we couldn't make ourselves imagine it going any farther. We stopped the motorcycle and laughed.
Bringing art and beauty to Kenyas trash heaps
What business does a group of artists have, visiting a huge rubbish dump in Nairobi, sitting in tiny shacks with the trash sorters, and bringing art materials to their kids?
Benjamin trusts God to provide water
Benjamin wanted to emulate Jesus’ ministry of reconciliation, while tangibly helping people through earthly problems.
Appolinarie can breathe again
The Lord healed Appolinarie from trauma during the Rwandan genocide. Now, she helps other French-speaking refugees in Nairobi.
Showing 621 to 625 of 821 entries.