We desire to see Wolof Bible studies, fellowships and churches established where Muslims would feel culturally comfortable.
Rural Healthcare
This ministry seeks to express Christ's love and compassion in rural communities by meeting physical and spiritual needs.
Rural Church Planting
Our aim is to equip and gather Christians in key rural areas to establish churches. We also actively evangelise through friendship and Bible-based ministries.
Quechua Ministry
The 4 million Quechua spread throughout central Bolivia make up one of the largest least-reached groups in Latin America. There are still many remote Quechua communities in the mountains and jungles of Bolivia where Christ is not known.
ProVisión Mission Agency
ProVisión Mission Agency is working interdenominationally throughout Chile, mobilising the church and partnering with different denominations for more involvement in the Great Commission.
Planting and Strengthening Rural Churches
Proclaiming the gospel in order to see a church planting movement that reproduces communities of Jesus followers in least reached areas of rural Loja, Ecuador.
Showing 701 to 710 of 831 entries.