Words on wheels
Just as “the feet of those who bring good news” are beautiful, so is SIM's book van that transports the Word of God throughout Pakistani villages.
Yom Bible published after almost 70 years
A ship bearing 4,000 copies of the Yom Bible arrived in Benin’s Cotonou Port at the beginning of August, marking the completion of an almost 70-year translation project.
Fighting for purity
There is a rising challenge to fight for Christ-like purity and resist sexual sin. Read about how SIM Ecuador has formed accountability groups to support young people as they strive in holiness.
Tiyamike sews COVID-19 protective gear
Thousands of COVID-19 face masks and protective gear are being made by women from Tiyamike, an SIM sewing programme in Malawi.
Italy refugees jeopardised by pandemic
The COVID-19 pandemic has intensified the struggle for survival that displaced people face in Italy. Read about the current needs of this demographic and how you can help.
Showing 526 to 530 of 818 entries.